Chapter 6

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Roman's POV:

I was walking back to my car with the documents I needed to get for my father. I heard heels clicking in a fast motion behind me. I feel a hand tap my back and see Kailyn.

Not this bitch again..Always up my ass 24/7, spamming my phone n shit

Kailyn worked for my father, and has been working for him for a while now. She's definitely reliable but extremely annoying. And in all honesty I just wanted to get back to the car to be with Marina.

"Roman!" she exclaimed. I turned around to see her staring at me with a smile on her face.  She was beautiful I must admit, however my Marina was even more beautiful.

"What?" I said in a clearly annoyed tone. "You forgot this paper" she told me. She handed me the paper and I thanked her. I turned on my shoe to continue walking back to my car, where Marina was waiting for me.

That was until I felt a hand clasp my wrist. Kailyn pulled me back and stood me infront of her. Before I questioned what she was doing, she leaned in and pressed her lips against mine.

I immediately felt disgusted, god knows what disease she has. I tried to pull back to her but she wouldn't budge. She finally pulled away and looked at me with a smile on her face.

"What the fuck are you doing?! Your such a god damn slut. Kissing me without my permission. I don't wanna kiss your fake ass fish lip looking lips. God knows what diseases you've caught from all those men you sleep with" i yelled at her.

Her face dropped, and her face turned red. She stood in place looking at my face with shock. I walked away in rage, my poor Marina had probably seen all of that. Now I had to explain what just happened.

I walked closer to the car, to see no one was in the passenger seat. No.. what.. where'd she go?

I'm praying maybe she climbed in the back seat for a nap. I opened the car door and hopped in, to see she was nowhere in sight.

I immediately got out my phone to call her. It seemed she immediately declined my call.
I called again. No answer. And again. Nothing.

Oh no. Where did she go? We are in a random town and she has no clue where she's going. I head into my messages app to text her instead.

Roman: Marina, Where did you go?!
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Roman: Please Marina, that was a misunderstanding believe me. I would never kiss her.
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Roman: Trust me please, I only ever want your lips on mines.
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Roman: Please Marina, you don't know where your going, and it's very cold outside. You'll get sick.
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Damn it. I cant believe I just let that happen. Unbelievable. That Kailyn girl just ruined everything. She will be fired by tomorrow, that's for sure.

Marina: Come pick me up, i'm at a bus station

Roman: On my way, stay put. I'll explain everything when I get there.
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She sent me her address and I was on my way. I really really liked her and she was my soon to be wife. I couldn't just let her slip away from a misunderstanding like this.

What I really couldn't believe is that I was stressing over a girl like this, i've never been in this state of mind over a woman. Ever.

But damn..I had to make things right. Her heart is too pure to get hurt.

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