chapter thirteen

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"Paisley, where are you? What happened? Where did he take her?"

In my shuffle to get away from the motel and preferably the town, I got off on a side road that looked familiar but I wasn't sure. I was having a hard time trying to stay focused, but I knew I needed to focus. I needed to stay awake, I couldn't fall asleep. Not with all the blood loss and the head shots I took.

"Sweetheart, I need you to answer me."

He was growing serious and impatient with me .. but he was still caring. He knew I was hurt.

"I'm .. I'm okay," I breathed as I tried to look around for any standing out landmarks, but there was nothing but trees everywhere. I could hear the rumble of the impala in the background which told me he was driving. Where was he driving?

"You're not okay," he declared then I heard a screech and him shouting 'son of a bitch' then a 'daddy!' followed by a 'Dean' and a sigh. I sighed out in relief that she was with him. At least with Dean, I knew she was the safest she could be.

"She's .. She's okay," I breathed happily as I tripped over my feet and sent a pain shooting up my stabbed leg as I tried to keep my balance. I limped off to the side with a small whimper as I looked down at my leg. The blood was still pouring from my thigh. "Hold on," I spoke shakily as I moved myself down to the ground taking off my shirt leaving me in my undershirt. I ripped it as best as I could and began wrapping it around my thigh as tightly as possible. I let out a yelp throwing my head back as the tears stung my eyes.

"Pais, talk to me."

"She got out?" I heard Cas suddenly ask in the background.

"Yeah, real friggin hurt," Dean grunted. "I can't get to her in a timely manner. Not with getting Kevin from the warehouse."

"I'm okay," I promised him. "I just need to get the blood to stop."

"Cas, go get her." It was quiet, then I realized, Cas could've smited all of those angels without my help. He could've protected us without me having to join the fight, and if my thoughts were correct, flying her to Dean ... "Cas!"

"He's not all the way back," I noted. "He's low on strength. That's why he needed my help. Getting Eleanor to you took the rest of what he had."

"You couldn't have said something before me and Sam left?!" Dean shouted angrily at Cas. "Put her in the car seat, please," he quickly fixed his tone then sighed out. "Paisley, I'm going to track your phone and get to you as soon as I can, okay?"

"Dean, I'm okay," I blinked a few times. "I can .. can find a different hotel or something. You need to help them get Kevin from Crowley, but god forbid that son of a bitch touches my daughter."

"Trust me, not a single demon or angel is touching her," he promised. "Pais, the way you're sounding .. I don't trust leaving you alone."

I huffed out a laugh as I lifted the duffel bag of basic weapons tighter on my shoulder. I was so glad I thought to grab this before I left the room.

"I'm a big girl, remember? I grabbed the duffel you left. I can protect myself."

"It's not the protection I'm worried about, sweetheart. Look, and to hell with your talk. You're my girl, okay?"

I giggled, feeling too tired to argue, "You're lucky I'm too tired to argue, Winchester."

He chuckled and I imagined him wetting his lips as he thought of his next words. I know he was worried and scared for me, especially being so far away, but I knew how to take care of myself. He taught me everything I needed to know, and I would say that is a damn hell of a lot of information that would get me through. At least until he could find me.

Sweet Child O' Mine {D. Winchester}Where stories live. Discover now