chapter twelve

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The drive to go meet Mrs. Tran has been .. what's the best way to put it .. uncomfortable. Sammy and I haven't said a single word to each other, and I could tell the tension was making him uncomfortable. Hell, I was uncomfortable, but I was also stubborn so I could wait this entire trip out without talking to him. I had more important things to deal with than whatever the hell it was Paisley wanted me to deal with.

I love that girl, however hard it was for me to express it, I love her. I would do anything and everything for her, and I wasn't any boyfriend or brother of the year by any means, but I knew how to not cross lines. I mean, did she not remember I'm not good at this emotional crap? I can't even open up to her the way she wants me to. I had to try though, because if Sam and I got back with nothing even slightly solved .. she would have my ass.

"Look, Sam —"

"Dean, I get it," he immediately interrupted me. "I know the trust thing for you is hard and fragile as it is. Just .. don't be mad at her anymore, please. Stay pissed at me."

I left my lips in a thin line taking in his words. He may be right .. I may be harder on her than she deserved, but I still couldn't get it out of my head that she kissed him. She did say she pulled away immediately, and that should account for something, I think. I let out a deep breath.

"I've heard her side," I started, not sure I was gonna want to hear his side at all. I know Sammy met her first, and he was the one that called me all those years ago on how to approach the pretty girl in the library. If I had the mindset I have now back then .. I probably wouldn't have tried to make a move on her.

"You want to hear mine?" Sam questioned.

"Yeah, isn't it fair?"

"Dean, that's .. arguably the love of your life. You don't believe her?"

"Oh, I definitely believe her," I chuckled darkly. My knuckles started turning white from how tight I had been gripping the wheel. Was it .. jealousy that I was feeling? I don't get jealous, I know she's my girl. "You're also my brother."

"Dean," he sighed. When he could tell I wasn't budging, he started talking. "She did initiate the kiss, but she also pulled back almost immediately. She didn't talk to me for days after. Dean," he let out a breath no doubt looking at my whiter knuckles if it had been possible. "Listen, I get it, I'm your brother, that's the girl you love, but trust me when I ask you don't be pissed with her. I caught her most nights sobbing, Dean sobbing and I could hear your voicemails through the door."

I would be lying if I said that didn't break my heart to hear. I hated being the reason she cried. She was too beautiful for that, and I have been the reason more times than she will willingly admit. I can read her like an open book no matter how tight she tries to lock those emotions up. She can't keep them hidden from me. I guess just like she calls my bullshit all the time.

I pulled up beside the mile marker Mrs. Tran asked us to meet her at then twisted in my seat to look at Sam.

"You're her best friend, Sammy, and I'm sure there's things you know that I don't. Pains me to say, I'm glad she has someone else to give that kind of information to. You being her best friend, I get the whole .. kissing .. thing put some kind tension or dent or something, but man, you gotta work it out with her. The tension or whatever it is is eating her alive," I occasionally glanced behind us to see if Mrs. Tran was here yet. The whole chick flick moments made me uncomfortable.

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