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"I think I'll just stay at home.."

"Oh come on! I don't know what happened, but are you really gonna let some boy ruin your fun?" Saena asked the older.

The six of them decided that they had enough shopping and they decided to go to the guys' dorms and bring food. Just to chill a little.

"Yes!" Iris exclaimed for the hundredth time that day.

"You're going and I don't care." Saena said before backing up the car from the parking lot.

"Ugh, fine."


"We brought pizza." Seolya exclaimed once they entered the dorm where the other 8 guys were. They greeted each other before they sat down and started eating the pizza.

"I feel like we know so little about the six of you!" Hyunjin said, the others agreed.

"Well.. What do you want to know about us?" Kylo asked

"How old are you guys?" Jeongin asked the question.

"Well Iris is the oldest, two months older than Chan, then Saena-"

"I'm ten days older than Changbin." She said, cutting off the other female.

"Jesus Christ you're so old?" Seungmin asked his sister, while she looked offended at what he just said.

"Anyways then Kylo, two months younger than Hyunjin, then me literally a WEEK YOUNGER THAN HIM." Seolya said, glaring at the older.
"Then Miso and Dokyun, both younger than Jeongin."

"I didn't know you were younger than Jeongin!" Felix said while he looked at Dokyun and Miso, who just shrugged.


"Okay uh- who is the best singer?" Changbin then asked.

"Iris" they all answered in unison, everyone snapping their heads to look at the older.

Meanwhile, Minho didn't even spare a glance at her.

"I hate you all."

"Can we hear? Please please please?" Chan asked.

"What song?"

"I don't know, whichever one you think of first."

"Uhmm.." she thought for a moment, then singing the chorus of Limbo by Minho. His ears perked up at the sound of her singing, which didn't go unnoticed by Saena and Chan.

Once she sang they all complimented her and she blushed.

"Can any of you dance?" Felix asked the question.

"Iris." They all said with a laugh again.

"Miso can dance as well." Dokyun said while the said female punched his arm.

"Do you know the dance break of Wow?" Iris asked while smirking.

"I can try." Miso answered as they stood up. Kylo played the song and they danced to it, everyone intently stared at the two.

Once again they got complimented.

"Wow Iris you can do everything! Can you rap as well?" Jisung was shocked at their talent.

"Nah, that's on Saena and Kylo."


"Before you ask, yes we can rap I guess?" They answered and chose a song to rap.

They ended up picking Muddy Water.

Kylo sang the second verse as Changbin and Saena as Jisung.

Just like the two times before, they got showered in compliments.

"You should just audition for a K-pop company if you're so talented." Chan said jokingly.

"We can't if we live in Germany."

"I could.." Kylo whispered but the group still heard.

"What do you mean?" Saena asked, confused. Kylo sighed and looked at the table.

"I didn't tell this to anyone but I plan on moving to Korea.."


This is terrible Jesus Christ-

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