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incoming video call from hwnghynjn00...

"You guys are WHAT?!" A certain black-haired male screamed as soon as Saena picked up the call. He was sitting on the floor of a practice room, his hair was wet with a towel thrown over his shoulders. He was wearing a black tank top and gray sweat pants.

Saena chuckled, keeping her camera off. "Yeah we planned it like- 2 weeks ago? I think? Kylo just popped up at my front door and was like: "Hey, I booked us tickets for Korea!"" They both laughed.

"Well you'll finally see Channie hyung. He loves you so much." The male smiled at Saena, her soon returning it, even tho he couldn't see it.

"I can't believe we're going TOMORROW!"

"How do you plan on surprising him?" Hyunjin asked, leaning back on the mirror while taking a sip of water.

"I don't know yet.. Could you help me? Pleaseee~"

"Okay I'll help. How about we meet on the 28th and you surprise him on the 29th. Sounds good?" Saena hummed.

"Can you turn on your camera? I never seen what you look like and I wanna know. Please~" he gave his best puppy eyes and Saw a sighed before turning on her camera. Hyunjin looked at her for a moment before smiling widely.

"You look like Seungmin!" He laughed. Saena let out a whine.

"Every stay I meet tells me that!" Saena whined. "Do I really look that similar to Seu-" she was interrupted by the doorbell ringing. She sighed for the millionth time that day and turned back to Hyunjin.

"I gotta go. Klyo is here. We are gonna go plan for the trip, AND he's gonna get interrogated because I didn't know that him and Jisung are dating~" she laughed but her smile soon faded when she saw Hyunjin had a frown on his face.

"What's wrong?" She tilted her head as the male looked at the camera.

"Kylo and Jisung are dating?" Saena hummed.

"As much as I know yes, why.?"

"Didn't they break up?" Saena froze. They stayed like that in silence for a moment until the doorbell rang again.

"I gotta go sorry. Bye!" She hung up without waiting for him to say something. Running to the door she frantically opened it and saw Kylo standing there, his cheeks puffy a bit.

"Did you and Jisung break up?"


Cliffhanger whoops-
Also the timing doesn't make sense so please IGNORE-
Cus like last chapter was on the 20th March and this one is 27th even tho it all happened on the same day...
Yea don't question it🥲

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