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The three entered the building with, surprisingly, not so much difficulty. Hyunjin managed to convince the guards to let the two in, saying that they were with him.

As they walked through the halls of the building, Kylo became more and more nervous. Saena comforted him as much as she could, but it didn't help.

"Yes hyung?" Hyunjin asked as he picked up his phone that started ringing.

"Yes I'll come in a few minutes."

He continued talking as some two children and a male entered the elevator. One boy and one girl. They looked to be no older than 9.

They stopped on the floor below theirs.

"Alohomora!" Saena said as the door opened and the girl turned to her.

"What?" She asked, confused. Cute.

Then the boy turned to Saena.

"Muggles." The boy whispered with a smile before leaving the elevator.

Saena couldn't help but laugh.

Soon enough, they were on their floor. They walked through the halls again, stopping in front of a door that was labelled "스트레이 키즈"

"Okay so I'll go into the room and I'll have someone else open the door for you to come in, okay?" Hyunjin asked the two who nodded in response. After a bit more planning Hyunjin wished them good luck before he disappeared into the practice room.


Jisung sat on the floor of the practice room. Their break just started.

He looked at his phone, a small pout on his face. He looked at photos from Kylo, ones that he screenshotted from their video calls.

He didn't realise time flew by so fast.

He snapped back to reality when his phone was snatched from his hands. He looked up at the person.

"Give it back Hyunjin." Jisung said seriously.

"No, stop sulking."

"Hyunjin!" He yelled, gaining the attention of everyone present in the room.

"Stop sulking and rotting in here, you have a whole world out that door!" Hyunjin said, pointing to the door of the room.

"Kylo is my whole world, and he isn't out that door.." he muttered

"You sure?" Said Seungmin, walking into the room with Saena and Kylo behind him.

Chan, who wasn't paying attention to any of this, looked up and was shocked at seeing the person he loves most standing there. He bolted up from his chair, eyes watery.




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