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The first day of school after winter break has sadly arrived. Saena groaned as she hit her alarm clock repeatedly, turning off her alarm. She rolled to the other side of her bed in search of her bunny slippers. She found them and got up.

She walked to the bathroom and brushed her teeth and hair. Looking in the mirror she figured that she looks presentable. At least she didn't look like some zombie.

After staring at her reflection she walked back to her room and looked for her P.E clothes. She placed the white short sleeved shirt in her bag and slipped on her leggings. Placing a dark green hoodie over her head she heard the doorbell ring.

"Good morning" Seolya groggily said once Saena opened the door. "Kill me please"

"No" Saena chuckled and went back upstairs to her room. She took her bag and went back downstairs to the kitchen, opening the fridge and taking out her pre-made sandwich.

"Let's go to hell" She locked the door and headed to school, pulling Seolya with her.


She walked into her classroom. The chatter of her oh so annoying classmates filled her ears as she took her seat

this is gonna be a long day
she thought and laid down on her desk, waiting patiently for her biology class to start.


"Are you going to extra math classes today?" A friend that went in her class, Viktoria, asked

"Yeah, I have Art group later" she said and packed her P.E stuff back into her bag. To say she was tired would be an understatement.

"Ok, do you maybe want to sit with me?" Viktoria asked

"Sure why not" Saena gave her a fake smile. It's not that she hated extra math, the only thing that she didn't like was that Mae went there as well.

Mae was the Queen Bee of her class. She knew half of the school and had all of the boys' attention directed at her.

Saena sighed and went to get the day over with.


Saena's math class was over quite quickly so she headed to the classroom where her Art group would take place. She arrived and found out that Mae, Sloane and Esther went there. She mentally slapped herself for not quitting last year.

She took a seat and waited for Seolya to come. The bell rang and she saw the teacher enter. She thought that Seolya must just be late, so she shrugged it off.

"Okay girls, today we will be making some decorations for the school fair." The teacher said and gave the girls some materials to work with. He showed them what they will be working on, which was easy since there were only 5 girls.

Saena, Mae, Sloane, Esther and Stella - Esther's younger sister.

They started working and talked among themselves. Saena just stayed silent. She cursed Seolya out for not coming. Somehow the other 4 girls got onto a theme Saena hated.


Mae was singing a song in their native language. Esther soon started singing along.

"Esther don't you listen to kpop?" Sloane asked.

"I did before, but not anymore. I realised that it's stupid. But Saena still does." The whole table turned to the mentioned girl who sunk further into her seat.

"Why do you listen to that crap?" Mae said

"Omg imagine like her fav group, Stray Kids I think, comes to this school. I'd laugh in their faces."  Sloane said.

"BAHAHAHAHAHAHAH" Esther burst into laughter. Saena felt her blood boil. Why?

Esther was her best friend for 5 years.


Sloane was her best friend just a couple of months ago.

Saena couldn't believe what Sloane said. After all she did for her, she betrayed her like this.

"True, like I can't believe what an idiot you need to be to listen to those Stray shits and waste so much money to buy their stupid albums." Mae laughed as well. Saena felt tears threatening to fall from her eyes. Her heart just shattered into a million pieces.

"True true" Esther added. "Stella what music do you listen to?"

Saena didn't hear anything else. Mae's words kept replaying in her head.



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