chapter 8

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“The moon looks amazing tonight.” I said soon after taking my meds.

“You are planning on going to the roof?” Clara asked leaning back. She never loved the roof mostly because she was afraid of heights also once upon a time a patient jumped off the roof.

“No. I will just look right through my window.” I lied. I was planning to head off to the roof once she left the room.

“I know you are lying. Just stay safe I don’t want a jumper in my hands.” She winked at me right before heading off leaving me with a smile like always.

I wore my purple robe and my Pikachu slippers. Pulling my oxygen tank I headed off to the roof pausing on once Andrew’s door right before walking away with a tight grip in my chest. I used to drag him to the roof every time but now he was gone and it sucked so badly.

“One day you are going to get me in trouble.” Cody was the roof guard and too handsome for his own good. He had brown eyes, locks that fell on his face, he was buff but not so buff, it was the sexy kind of buff and he was also amongst my long list of crushes. He looked fine in his uniform, made it look like he was meant to be in that white shirt and those grey trousers. He made it out of the list as soon as I saw Azrael.

“Oh come on, Cody. I would never jump.” I said rolling my eyes.

“They all say that. Trust me, talking a person into not jumping isn’t fun.” He sounded so serious even the way he looked at me said otherwise. If I was a different person I would have turned back but I was used to his serious demeanor.

“But the moon is full.” I whined. “It’s an orange moon.” As soon as he sighed I knew I had won the battle, so I smiled sweetly. Watching him lose to my smile.

“Okay fine. You can go but I don’t like it especially at night. I swear you will get me into trouble.”

“I promise I won’t” I said batting my eyes.

“Okay, you can stop that. Go ahead.” I blushed as I walked away realizing he knew what I was trying to do. Use your femininity they say, I was terrible at that.

The chilly breeze brushed my face as soon as I was on the roof. I leaned on the edge looking down and seeing cars passing by. The hospital wasn’t as tall but I could see some parts of my beautiful city. I walked away and sat on my usual spot, the same spot Azrael once found me. I stared at the orange moon admiring it. On a day like this I wished Andrew was around he knew everything about the constellations and astrology. Suddenly I was feeling alone.

“Should I call him?” I asked myself. Maybe I could call him and get to really know him. But then again, I didn’t want to appear too clingy at the same time he made a promise. I looked at the seal on my hand as it glowed a bit in the dark. I took a deep sigh with my eyes closed and then I whispered “Azrael.”

I felt him and smelt him. His rain and mint scent was distinguishable. I opened my eyes and seeing him standing in front of me had my heart racing.

“I am beginning to suspect you are just calling my name to your own amusement.” He said his voice a bit deep and hoarse which was sexy, I admit.

“It’s my fault your name is interesting and I enjoy saying it.”

“Or you just enjoy my presence and me of course.”

He was right alright and arrogant.

“Well the moon looks beautiful tonight and I wanted someone to bore with my moon talk.”

“Do I have a choice?” he said with a hint of humor in his voice and his left eye squinted.

“No, you are bound to me. So take a seat and enjoy… guardian.” As much as he didn’t want to smile his eyes where selling him. He was miserably failing to hide a smile as he sat next to me. He had his black suit on and a black coat, black was definitely his color. “Is black your favorite color?”

“Umm,” he looked at his clothes, “Yes. In case you want to turn me into a weird person, yes I have other colors I like.”

“Are there other guardians out there apart from you?” his face remained neutral.

“Yes. So, the moon talk?” I understood and took the cue.

“Did you know the moon can actually take many other colors? It’s just extremely rare. Meaning the real blue moon exist, the red bloody moon even pink moon. In the name of moon talk can you tell me your age?” he looked at me briefly his eyes not sure if he could trust me and I smiled hoping he would talk. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” I quickly suggested feeling a hint of guilt.

“I am 220years old.” He let out a small laugh seeing how shocked I was. I knew my eyes were wide opened and I was definitely shocked… but I had no idea how dramatic I looked.

“220? Oh wow. So have you seen the blue moon in your lifetime?”

“I am not even that old.”

“You tell yourself that? Trust me you are older than any old person on earth right now. You are older than my great grandparents.”

He broke into laughter which felt like a win for me. “Nice one. Anyways yes I am old and no I have never come across the blue moon, in this world of yours that is.”

“Wait? Are you saying such things exist in the in between? Even unicorns and stuff?”

“Unicorns? That’s a bit overboard.” We both laughed. “But some things do exist.”

“It must be fun living there.” Suddenly he looked serious and he remained quiet. I understood what his silence meant. “The moon, do you know the moon and the sun were in love once?”

“Were they now?” he looked at me and his eyes had softened.

“Yes, so every time they met an eclipse would happen. A really dark eclipse and many people hated it. So they complained to the lord of the skies. The lord thereby separated the moon and sun however allowing them to meet once in a while and for a brief moment. That why we have those short Luna eclipse.”

“But the moon and the sun share the sky during the day?”

“But they’re never close. They are always looking at each other in a far distance.”

“That is a sad story.” He said looking at the moon.

“Yes it is.” There was a moment of silence which I found myself liking. It wasn’t uncomfortable it was perfect. “My little brother Robyn used to make fun of me. He always said ‘Ugh, you and your moon again’,” I almost gave myself a small pat on the back for mimicking his voice perfectly “, every time I started talking to him about it.”

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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