chapter 6

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“Nobody.” Her voice wash shaking and now she had her back against the walls and I was looking at her right in the eyes.

“What are you?”

“I am a human. What are you? How did I get here? I followed you into the elevator. What is this place? Where is the elevator?”

From a far distance on the edge of the lake of souls Thanatos looked up in the dark skies filled with the stars and dark clouds and a waxing crescent appeared. Only he understood what it meant. Shaking his head he broke into laughter which stunned some spirits.

“Interesting.” He whispered to himself.

I looked into her eyes and saw pure earnestness. She was so close to tears, she was just as scared and confused as I was. Whatever was happening there was definitely a divine intervention. I took a step back pinching the center of my nose trying to figure out what to do. I no longer had my mind erasing powers and my brother was the only one who had it and calling him would lead to Lunah being obliterated. This was really complicated. Panic stricken Lunah started walking backwards and I knew she wasn’t supposed to leave just like that with all she had witnessed. She had witnessed the biggest secret of the universe.

“Wait!” I protested but she was too quick. She opened the door and I quickly grabbed her before she fell into the abyss.

She gasped and looked at me with her eyes wide opened with fear written all over her face. “Wha… what?” she whispered quietly.

I pulled her back and then I closed the door. It took me a while to realize how heavily I was breathing. This was the biggest scare I had yet experienced. A human, in my lair.

“I don’t know what you are but please get me out of here. I promise I won’t tell. Please.” Her voice was shaky.

I looked at her and for some reason I felt like I could trust her. Though this was going to affect me now unless I changed locations to collect souls. That would be a good idea but that would take a while for me to get changed. At the same I was becoming more curious about her. How did she get in? She could see me too. Thanatos once explained that these type of beings once existed. I wonder what happened. I looked at her and she was watching me helplessly. Waiting and hoping I would open the door and let her leave.

What was the point of keeping her in here though, nobody would believe her if she told them about this place. I know humans and they would call her insane. So I walked towards the door and I opened it. Shockingly it still led to the abyss. I closed the door because I was sure I didn’t use my powers. I opened the door one more time and it led to the abyss. This time… I was really worried. I closed the door and then I looked at Lunah a bit speechless.

“We might have a problem.” I said as calmly as I could.


“Yeah, the door that is supposed to lead you back home is not working.” I said walking towards my whiskey table and grabbing my glass of whiskey I had filled before she came in. I took a gulp because I was about to panic. Don’t panic, I reminded myself continuously.

“What are you saying? Is this some type of a joke? Wait, am I on TV right now?” suddenly her whole facial, mood and emotions changed. She had a scowl on her face and she started walking around pulling her oxygen tank waving her free hand. “Okay, you can get out now. You are all busted. The secret is out.”

As much as the situation was serious, I just could help but lean back and watch her be dramatic. It was really impressive and I admit, funny. She then walked back to me and from her face I thought she was going to slap me.

“Okay, Dr. Azrael. You win. Now, can you get me out of here?”

“There is no way out, Lunah.”

Rolling her eyes and letting out a loud huff she walked towards my couches and she sat down with her palms on her face.

“What is going on?” she mumbled. And I sat on a chair opposite hers with the same question in my head.

“I don’t know. This has never happened to me before.”

She then looked at me with a grave expression. “Who are you? And where am I?”

“The in-between. And I am a guardian.” She broke into laughter but I remained serious until she stopped laughing realizing how serious I was.

“In-between? Am I dead? But you are a doctor.”

“Yes. No, you aren’t dead and I am not a doctor.”

“What are you saying? I must be going insane now. Am I hallucinating now?” her words came out in a rush and her eyes darted around the room.

“I know this all sounds insane and trust me you are not insane. This has never happened to me before and as much as you are confused trust me I am confused too.” She looked down.

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