chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Grim reaper

I sat by the window staring at the barrier that divided the lake of lost souls and the next life. I could hear the soft cries of the lost souls all of them begging for mercy and crying for freedom. The lost souls were souls of the damned, the people who didn’t deserve redemption and grim reapers who had gone against the rules. I was used to being alone but the moment my brother left I felt the coldness of my place and the loneliness.

Every time my brother left the place, I couldn’t help but notice how lonely a grim reaper could get. Huffed and puffed when I sensed another soul that needed to be collected. I got up from the window and calmly walked towards the door dusting my chest, and my clothes changing into a black suit, black shirt, and a black tie. I checked myself in the mirror next to the door.

“A grim reaper with the looks. What a waste.” I smirked right before teleporting into the hospital.

I walked calmly passing through a room that was opened that made me stop and walk back a little. There she was, the girl Lunah. She was smiling talking to a young nurse older than her. I couldn’t help but notice how beautiful her smile was. I shook my head a bit wondering why I was even thinking about her smile. I continued walking still surprised by the revelation I had made which was odd. She is a human, I reminded myself.
I noticed the death scent floating in the air and I followed it into a smaller room. The room was quiet and only the beeps of the vital sign monitor machine could be heard. On the bed lay a young boy with an oxygen mask.

He looked so vulnerable with the Black Death scent floating on top of him. In my hand appeared his book of life and I took a sad sigh as I noticed how small it was. I opened it and there it was written cardiac system failures. Within seconds the sound of the vital sign monitor changed and I stood there as I watched nurses rushing in along with his mother who looked scared. She started calling his name crying as the nurses escorted her out.

“Take care of the mother.” A doctor said as he walked in his face calm, he was acting, he was scared. Having watched these people for the longest time, I knew their calm faces were just a cover-up.

“Sir, it’s a cardiac arrest.” One of the nurses said breathlessly.

“We need to hurry up…” I opened the book as the doctor tried to save the already dead boy.

“Andrew Farnez.” I summoned his spirit, “Andrew, Farnez.” I said with a lower voice. In front of me appeared a healthy-looking boy at the age of twelve wearing baseball attire. He always wanted to be a baseball player.

“I. What? Where am I? What is going on?” he then looked behind him and there he was surrounded by doctors and nurses trying to save him. “Am I dead?” he whispered clearly in denial.

“Yes. Your chapter has ended but there is always a new one.” I reassured him.

“But. My mom. I wanted to say goodbye to my mom.” He said his voice cracking and then he suddenly broke into tears. “I wanted to tell her how much I love her. Please let me tell her how much I love her.”

“I am sorry. You can’t go back but I am sure she knows you love her.” a bright portal opened behind me. “It’s time.” I watched him as slowly walked towards the light. He looked at his lifeless body and then at me.

“I hope I live longer in my next life.” Having no say in such matters I just smiled and hoped the deity would hear him out.

“…time of death 6.30 pm…”

I got to the canteen and she wasn’t there, I sat there for a while shrugging it off.

“Did I collect her?” I wondered to myself. No, because I would have known. I mean yes, I always forget the people I would have collected at times but this one in particular I would have known.

“Why am I even thinking about her?” I said closing my eyes.

The next moment I was up on my feet and heading off to the roof of the hospital to grab a smoke. I hadn’t smoked in a long time but suddenly I just felt the need to smoke.

As I got to the roof, I opened my palm and a cigarette and a lighter. Just as I started smoking I heard sniffles. Out of curiosity, I walked in the direction of them dropping my cigar and stepping on it. The first thing I noticed was the purple morning gown and immediately I knew who it was… Lunch. She was seated behind a chimney and I am sure she didn’t want to be seen. I wasn’t sure what to do, I had never seen a human who knew me cry. So I decided to walk away stepping on a can as I did so which let out a sound that startled her from the sound she made. I had no choice now but to say something. I turned around to find her standing up and wiping her tears clearly about to put on a bad show.

“Hie. I didn’t know someone else was here. I promise I told the security that I was on the roof. He said it’s okay.” Her voice was quavering and she was trying to put on a smile which she was failing miserably.

“Are you okay?” I had never asked anyone this question and it felt weird asking it. It came off robotic.

“Umm, yeah. I am fine. I am…” Before she could say anything she sat down and started sobbing. I didn’t know what else to do. I wanted to leave her right there but I felt bad doing so. Letting out a sigh I sat next to her and I took her into my arms, she didn’t fight it. “Why does death have to take the youngest ones? Why did Andrew have to die? He didn’t deserve it you know.” She finally spoke. “Death could have just taken me instead. I have been ready for death all my life.”

“Nobody ever deserves it. I… I am sorry about your friend.” I said remembering the poor boy crying, wanting to talk to his mother. At that moment I felt something I never felt for those left behind… compassion. “Listen,” I said cupping her cheeks and drying her tears “, nobody deserves to die. Nobody, not even you. The world is an insane world and everything happens for a reason including death itself. The lives of beings are like a never-ending cycle. When you think it has ended here it’s starting somewhere else.”

Our eyes locked and I could see the depth of those lovely grey eyes. I could see all the pain that she was feeling reflecting through her eyes and I felt this strange familiar feeling, the type of feeling I had once felt but had no idea when…the need to protect her, her heart from any physical, mental or spiritual pain. It scared me that I quickly let go of her cheeks and I broke eye contact.

  “How would you know? Nobody knows what happens when we die.”

As much as I wanted to tell her it was best for the humans to remain clueless of what lay ahead of them when they died. It made life worth living for them having to know that they only lived once.

“He always wanted to be a baseball player you know,” she said wiping away her tears. “One day we were playing catch and this doctor smiled and said I quote ‘This kid is talented.’” She snuffled and chuckled a bit “Life sucks, huh? Do you know what scares me the most? That I too am going to die without living the life I have always wanted. Doing things I have always wanted.”

“If you were given the chance what would you do?”

She paused for a moment looking into the abyss almost as if she was seeing everything she ever wanted with a small smile on her face she responded “Travelling. I never travel much because of my condition and when I do my parents always tag along.

“Where would you go?”

“The beach and the famous museum of the moon in Sydney.” She then sighed sadly forcing a smile on her face. “What am I doing? Sorry for the emotional dump. Thank you for listening though. I think should be heading back to my room before the nurse starts looking for me.” she adjusted her nasal cannula and got up. She tied her purple morning gown and started walking away.

She suddenly stopped and then she looked at me with a silly grin. “If you don’t mind tell me your name doctor.”

“It’s Azrael.” I hadn’t said my name in a long time and it felt unnatural hearing myself say it.

“Azrael,” she said thoughtfully, “nice name. See you around then.” I watched her leave a bit confused about what I was feeling.

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