A New Lead

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From that journal, it has you wondering where she had the man hidden. For a disappearance to go missing in your town, it's worrying. Although she stated ceasing the experiments, it's... doubtful, they were just allowed to roam free afterwards.

Although, continuing your reading, you're broken from that train of thought by hey sight catching on a small line scrawled onto the page. Another random scrawl with no meaning, yet, for a minuscule amount of time, there was something. A faint taste of silvery metal on your tongue. Followed by a splitting headache that rocks you to your knees.

Taking that as a sign, you decided to put a pause on your readings for another day. Tomorrow is a new dawn, and a new chance to learn. Besides, you would rather not overstay your welcome.


It's been a couple hours of reading now, and your progress has been... slow, to say the least. She has disposed of the boy apparently, although she did not describe how. Were she not missing, this would be brought against her posthaste.

For now, however... your studies continue.

10/25/19 - A New Lead

The penmanship is exquisite, as well as very quick. She's improved much in her time, and seems to be ecstatic.

It's amazing! Father and I have created a new method of broadcasting voices and we even did mine! Listening to it, I found a new meaning! The static, it's more... pronounced! Like there's highs and lows in it!

There's a new variety in the static, and it makes it easier to pick it apart! More definition and more to pique my interest!

I have found myself studying other projects as of late, such as propulsion devices and intricate networks to automate the feeding of my creatures.

Take Alola, my moonlight butterfly. She's been difficult to feed without her escape, however, I have found new means of doing so. Tree sap is very good for them, as are drops of water and some misting in the cage to keep humidity up.

I've automated it, and now I don't need to so much as touch her to feed them. It's quite the upgrade, and I'm glad I did so.

Of course, not that it was not a lot of time and effort. Just creating a method of propulsion to get the right amount in, let alone automating it and not hitting her with it, was a difficult task. Let alone automating the cleaning of the tubes.

Now, it was my intention to learn how they reproduce, so that the studies may continue as they have offspring that are more and more used to the static. However, now I must continue my personal studies into the static.

11/20/19 - A New Lead

I've found the static endlessly repeating in my mind. With my constant listening to the static that comes from my words, I've found myself contemplating it... almost in tandem with my thoughts? It's... peculiar.

Almost as if I have begun to internalize the static truly, even without a proper understanding of it. It plays in my mind constantly, devoid of meaning but persistently present. It is unintrusive, however.

I liken it to the notion of two trains of thought running concurrently. I'm aware such a phenomenon would likely be considered impossible by others, yet, here I am. Two minds thinking in one, almost. At least, such is my theory.

Questioning father, he only said that it is impossible, even for him. I can only conclude that I am unique in this aspect.

In other news, my hip has been troubling me as of late, particularly where it meets my spine. It has not been harmful, but it has been irritating.

I am most intrigued by my static thoughts, and will continue to ponder them as I move forward in my studies.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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