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While it does bring a twinge of pity to your mind over the last line of hers, of feeling lonely, it's time to move to the next page. Although there are a lot of entries, and a lot of books. It might take years to go through all of these, page by page, line by line...

Yeah, who in their right mind would do that? Not you. So, being the person with other shit to do, you decide to skim read a bit, and only pause on a page based on the handwriting changing. When it's something important at a glance, mentioning the static, or just extra scratchy or clean writing.

Well, you found some. Pages covered in tears and with scribbled handwriting.

Let's back up a bit to the prior page and see what started this.

5/5/10 - Departure

I found it! An ant queen, I finally managed to get my hands on! Though it was messy and I got my hands all dirty, Coco helped me clean up after.

Ohh and all the ants! So many of them, I wish I could've brought all of them with me!

But whatever, I got them set up in the butterfly's old cage, all ready to go! This time with lots of dirt and twigs and leaves!

I even left them crumbs of food, since they eat like we do. Makes it a lot easier to feed them... hopefully, they can last longer than the butterfly.

Even if they knock themselves out, there are a lot more than just one. And I think I realize my problem. I chose something that doesn't share info!

See, ants all live in big groups, and I wanna see how they communicate! It's not speaking, but other ants know where to go already once one does. Maybe smells? Hopefully, I can learn, and using static I might be able to get them to learn what I hear!

The butterfly had died, unsurprisingly. Maybe there's an ant colony hidden in the room, you wonder. Although you don't see one in the workshop. Maybe her bedroom?

Leaving the workshop, you go to the room adjacent to it and find it. Inside is dark, with a window shut. On the bed is a set of clothes laid out for the misses, most likely. Upon further inspection, a pair of shorts, a white t-shirt, and a lab coat. Not at all what you would call dignified wear for a lady, but she was known to be extremely smart. So who knows?

On the desk is a picture of what's likely to be the misses and her husband. Although you don't recall her being engaged.

Her hair is long and has two cat ears. Behind her are two tails as well. A nekomata, you believe is the name. You've only heard myth, and as well, that they only existed in Japan.

Moving on, you spot the glass unit on the desk. A multitude of ants moving about, with their own automated supply of food and water. As impressive as the butterfly unit, only much more busy thanks to the many ants inside.

Of course, another radio is present in this room as well. Turning it off, you enjoy the brief respite as you open the book and continue reading.

5/6/10 - Departure

Grandmother came over today, and took me away from Dad. Said a lady needs to be raised by a lady.

Dad tried to tell her no, but knew he wouldn't win. He gave me a hug and said bye, and I was taken with my things hastily packed by Coco.

I can't even use the radio anymore. That's at home. All I have is my journal, my books, and that's it.

Not even my ants. I hope Coco takes care of them.

Right now, I'm in my new room, in bed. I think I'm going to sleep... Tears can be seen staining the page.


5/7/10 - Departure

This page is covered in sporadic scrawls that seem to be random.

I just had a good dream!

I was at home, Coco cleaning the house and listening to the radio static with me! Sitting next to me was a man, with black hair, brown eyes, and a smile! We were tall, and I think I was grown up!

Then something really... what's the word... inspiring! Yes! Something inspiring happened!

First, his ears looked... distorted. Like with a bunch of blurs and lines in black and white! ...static is the word I think of, but I don't know how the sound matches the look, but it does!

Then, his eyes became that too! Instead of brown, they were black and white static! Then his voice came out, and sounded like when it makes sense, as everything turned to static and I woke up!

I don't have my radio, so I don't know what to do... Oh! I know! The gap between words! I just need to find it again...

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