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Lana POV: 

As I slowly regained consciousness, the darkness pressed in around me, suffocating and disorienting. Panic surged through my veins as I struggled to piece together what had happened. Why was everything black? Did I die? no. I can still breathe. I'm fine, don't panic Lana.

A sharp, stabbing pain lanced through my head as I blinked, trying to make sense of my surroundings. The memories flooded back in a terrifying rush—the karaoke bar,  and then... a sudden, overpowering scent. And then nothing.

My heart hammered in my chest as the truth dawned on me—I had been kidnapped. Dread pooled in the pit of my stomach as I fought against the panic consuming me. 

With trembling hands, I reached out into the darkness, searching for any sign of where I was or who had taken me. But there was nothing, only the blackness on all sides. I forced myself to focus. I couldn't afford to give in to despair. I had to find a way out.

I feel hard to breathe. Desperately, I tried to scream for help, but my voice was muffled by whatever was covering my mouth. I strained against the bonds that held me in place, my hands and legs bound tightly. As I sat in the darkness, the sensation of wood beneath me confirmed my suspicions—I was tied to a chair.

Then I heard some sound. the sound of approaching footsteps shattered the silence, sending a chill coursing through my veins. Every nerve in my body screamed with fear as I braced myself for whatever was to come.

My heart pounding in my chest, the anticipation almost unbearable. Whoever it was, they were getting closer, their presence looming over me like a shadow in the darkness.

They took off the mask covering my head, and suddenly, bright light flooded in, making it hard to see. Two guys stood in front of me, but their faces were still blurry because of the light shining on me. As they moved to one side, I could see them a bit better.

As the light hit my eyes, I could finally make out the two guys in front of me. One was a bit on the chubby side, not super short, but not tall either, and he had glasses perched on his nose. The other guy was tall and really skinny. They both had this kind of funny look about them, but it didn't make me feel any better.

They noticed me, and for a moment, we just stared at each other, the tension thick in the air.One of the guys broke the silence, his voice low and uncertain.

 "What do you think the boss will do with this lady?" he asked

"I don't know," the other guy replied, his voice tense. "He usually kills anyone he brings here."

His words hit me like a sledgehammer. The realization that my life was in grave danger sent a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins. Panic gripped me tightly as I struggled against my restraints, my attempts to scream for help only resulting in muffled noises.

But my frantic movements caught their attention, and they turned their gaze towards me, their eyes narrowing with curiosity.

"What do you want, lady?" the chubby guy asked, his voice tinged with curiosity.

I furiously attempted to free myself from the ties, the skinny guy chimed in, his voice filled with innocence, "Hey, be careful there, don't hurt yourself!"

Their concern and innocence made me pause for a moment, realizing that perhaps they weren't as sinister as I initially feared. With renewed determination, I continued my efforts to remove the bindings, hoping that they would understand my plight and offer assistance rather than harm.

"Maybe she wants to go to the washroom," the skinny guy suggested. What? okay. Atleast untie me.

"I feel sad for her," the chubby guy replied, his voice reflecting genuine sympathy.

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