Ranking the Eeveelutions

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Out of the original 151 pokémon, Eevee is easily one of the most popular and recognizable among them, especially because of how Game Freak has been pushing it as kind of a secondary mascot to Pikachu in recent years.

At the time of writing this, Eevee can evolve into eight different pokémon, the latest of which being the fairy type Sylveon introduced in X and Y.

Due to the popularity of Eevee and its evolutions, I figured it would be neat to rank them all from my least favorite to my favorite.

Like with the top 10 I did, I won't be going into depth on these pokémon because I might cover some of them again in the future.

Just for clarification, I'm only ranking the evolutions and not Eevee itself.

Also, do not get upset if you disagree with certain placements on this list.

My opinions are my own and you're free to disagree with me, just do so politely and maybe even share your own ranking in the comments.

With all that said, it's time to begin.

#8 - Sylveon

I might upset a lot of people by saying this, but Sylveon is the one eeveelution I do not like.

Most fairy types just don't appeal to me design wise because I'm not a fan of cutesy and pink pokémon, which Sylveon is both.

I will say that Sylveon as a pokémon is really good and I've used it plenty of times whenever playing through X and Y, but I just don't vibe with it like I do certain other eeveelutions.

Plus, needing to know a fairy move along with getting Eevee up to two hearts in Pokémon Amie or Refresh in order to evolve is just annoying and unnecessary in my opinion, which plays a big part of my disliking of Sylveon.

The rest of this list will be more positive because I honestly like the other seven, so let's move on.

#7 - Glaceon

Man, I feel so bad for poor Glaceon because of how often Game Freak has screwed it over, which I'll elaborate more on when I do a chapter for both it and Leafeon.

I have honestly never used a Glaceon in any game even though I really want to because it's just not as accessible as other Eevee evolutions, which is a darn shame.

Because I've never trained one, I don't have an emotional connection to Glaceon, thus putting it this low on the list.

I still like it more than Sylveon though.

#6 - Espeon

Due to being a happiness evolution requiring it to be daytime to evolve, it's always kinda hard for me to get an Espeon because I prefer playing at night.

Plus, I just think Umbreon is way cooler design wise.

Not to say Espeon is bad though, quite the opposite in fact.

The few times I used Espeon, it has proved to be an absolute powerhouse that has made the struggles I faced to evolve it 100% worth it.

On to the next one!

#5 - Leafeon

It ain't easy being a grass type, especially not a Generation 4 grass type when you're competing with the likes of Torterra, Roserade, and Abomasnow.

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