III - First Meeting

184 8 1

word count: 2635
art credits: @KorshoKor

A clean gunshot was heard amidst the silence of the night. A bunch of hitmen all laughed triumphantly.

"So this the lackey who finished off our troupe huh?" One snickered. "Told the boss those were weaklings. This guy wasn't even that hard to kill!"
"But he sure was a hard to find." Another said. The two each took a joint in their mouths, savoring their victory. Surely the boss would give them a promotion after this. The both of them were busy relishing their victory that they didn't even care to take a glance at their now dead target.

"I wouldn't act this hasty if I were you." The third one added, clearly shivering from head to toe. "H-he could be alive you know!"
It was his first time in this field of work and he didn't expected it to end this easily. It was frightening.

The first guy gave the guy a deadly glare before bursting out laughing. "You know newbie, it's hard to find joy in this field of work. So loosen up a little would ya." He kicked the corpse's head to the side violently. "See? He's dead meat to us now."

"And a sly fucker too." The second chuckled, taking a whiff of his joint.

The third guy didn't quite believed the two but in fear for his life (and what his two partners are capable of), he only kept his mouth shut. "If you say so..." He squeaked before running off outside.

The two men laugh once more.
"What a fucking wimp!"
"You sure the boss isn't that high? More and more good for nothings are joining the gang these days and I don't even need to be that strong to say so myself!"

"Tell me about it." The other said. He was about to take another joint in his mouths, until a knife was jabbed into his throat, leaving his now bloody body down the floor.

"What the-" His second partner immediately went into a fighting stance, quickly shooting their supposedly dead target but he was too fast and good at dodging bullets.
It wasn't long before he was stabbed at his front.

"A word of advice, never underestimate your target," Sam said before plunging the knife deep into his belly.

The other assassin's body fell down lifelessly. Thanks to their target's mask, he couldn't even see who was the one behind their deaths.

For extra precaution, Sam took their guns and shooted them both twice- one at their hearts, the next at their heads. A trick he learned from Kafka back when he was still new.

"H-hey, are you guys okay? I heard a gunsh-"
Sam didn't let him finished his sentence by shooting him straight through his throat.

"You lot were the easiest to kill by far. You have my compliments." Sam remarked mockingly.
"H-how-" The third guy clasped his hands on his throat, trying to stop the bleeding even though it seemed fruitless. Sam praised him for how much he tried to ignore the pain.

"I wouldn't speak yet if I were you, it'd only hurt more." He said before pointing the gun towards the guy's forehead. "You didn't even bother to tear off my mask. And you call yourself gangsters." He scoffed.

Sam didn't waste more time before he pulled the trigger and the guy's bloody body collapsed, along with the rest of his crew.

"You should never underestimate me again."


After thoroughly cleaning the crime scene- like how their gang was taught to- Firefly hurriedly went away.
Before heading on, she quickly took a detour in a very crowded alleyway, discreetly changing out of her clothes and disposing her mask whilst passing through the crowded streets.

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