Chapter 1 - Transmigration

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"Lord Kazuhiko! Kiri Shinobi are approaching! What should we do?"

The said man turned his head to look at a worried young boy who appeared to be about 13 years of age.

"It seems we can't rely on Konoha. Get my son out of here! Uzumaki! Fight to the death! Stick together and get Renjiro-kun away from the battle!" Exclaimed the man as his subordinates cheered in response.

This was the scene Renjiro woke up to. Suddenly, he was taken out of his crib as two Uzumaki elders, his father and his mother took him down to a chamber.

"Mai-chan. I wish I could come with you. But I can't-" As Kazuhiko started, his lips were suddenly locked by another soft pair belonging to his beloved wife.

They kissed for several seconds before parting, "Don't say that Kazuhiko-kun! We'll fight together!" Mai exclaimed in response.

"No Mai-chan. Renjiro-kun needs a parent, and you'd do a much better job than me. Teach him the ways of the Uzumaki, maybe he will be the one to bring the might of the Uzumaki back." Kazuhiko spoke softly, a far cry from his usual uptight demeanour.

"Kazuhiko. No! I can't live without you!"

At the same time as this, many of the children and some of the elders in Uzushiogakure were being taken away from the island, one in particular being a young Kushina Uzumaki.

A year later- Konohagakure no Sato
Resided in a large compound was a red haired woman who held a small red haired child in her hand, sat beside her was a 7 year old girl in her second year at the academy.

This woman was Lady Mai Uzumaki, the current head of the Uzumaki Clan.

Yes, this was the Uzumaki's compound, and as an apology for the absence of protection by Konoha, the current Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, had personally arranged the handful of Uzumaki survivors who had travelled to Konoha to seek refuge with a massive compound worty of the title of the richest clan in the shinobi world.

They were gifted a spot on Konoha's council and were given funds to start up businesses to help fund their clan.

The Uzumaki were fortunate enough to have their deceased leader, Kazuhiko Uzumaki, to gather up all the valued items and seal them into a large space time seal which would only unlock with the blood of a pure blooded Uzumaki.

This was what Mai had used as a basis for their business, due to the space time seal it was sealed in, it took only a second to bring it to Konoha, and unlocking it was simple also.

Inside the scroll were all the secret techniques, seals, masks and so on. So they stored all of these items inside the Uzumaki Clan compound.

It took about a year, but the Uzumaki quickly rose to become the wealthiest in Konoha.

But the wealth didn't bring the clan happiness.

"Mai-obaasama. I don't want to go to the academy today, everyone makes fun of me." Kushina stated while looking into the gentle eyes of the older woman.

"Kushina-chan. You need to go. And if anyone tries to make fun of you, show them the might of the Uzumaki!" As Mai said this, a dark look appeared on her face as Kushina smiled, before both girls cast a glance to the snoozing baby.

"I can't wait till Renjiro-kun grows up so I can teach him everything I know!" Kushina exclaimed as Mai stared lovingly at the girl, despite the death of her clan and her beloved husband, she hadn't left her baby alone.

Kushina had also filled a hole in her heart in a short amount of time, the young girl was a bundle of joy.

"Well Kushina-chan. It's time you start leaving, right?" Mai asked the younger girl as Kushina sighed.

"Yeah." She drawled out as she stood up, "Bye Mai-obaasama. I love you!" As she said this, she walked out, and towards the academy.

With Kushina now gone, Mai's attention shifted to the silent babe in her arms. If she couldn't see the chest of the child rising and falling slowly, she would have been concerned.

"My Renjiro-sama. Hopefully, Kazuhiko-kun thoughts about you are correct, but if not, know that will not change anything between us. I'll always love you, no matter what you do in the future..."

As she had said this, the child's eyes opened for the first time since his father's death.

Renjiro POV-
As I opened my eyes, I looked around, seeing that I was in the arms of a young woman with red hair and violet eyes, most likely my mother, I don't know how, but I could just tell.

After looking at her, her eyes widened considerably as I looked around the extravagent room we were in, Japanese styled? This is not the same room I was in last time I remembered.

Where's my posters, my bed, my television, my books?

Where am I?

"Renjiro-kun?! I'm so happy!" I heard, it wasn't in English, but it was like the Japanese language was ingrained into my memory. Then suddenly, more memories of my short stint in this world flooded my mind.

I instantly knew where I was, who I was and which timeline specifically I was in.

I was in the world of Naruto.

That's not good! I don't wanna die! The third shinobi war starts in 12 years from now if my calculations are correct. Minato was 19 when the war started, and the war ended around 4 years before naruto was born.

So, I'll be 13 when was starts, so I've got 12 years to get stronger and survive in war.

I've also got to build up the strength of the Uzumaki Clan during this time and stay away from Orochimaru and Danzō.

A lot to do in a short amount of time.

In 25 years, the rookie nine will all be born, by then I'll be 20. Such a long time.

But, it looks like luck's on my side, being born an Uzumaki with a very strong sensory ability, I mean, I can sense Kushina from all the way over here.

And that too with such large chakra quantity. I should start familiarising myself with my chakra now, so controlling it would be less difficult when I'm older.

I first of all need to make a name in the war, and that would make the enemies of both Konoha and the Uzumaki Clan think twice about trying anything.

I need to make friends with Minato, which I'm not too worried about with me being so close to Kushina, we're actually related.

I have a number of people to get close to, the clan heirs and heiresses, Jiraiya, Hiruzen and the entirety of the Senju Clan.

Hopefully my chakra control isn't too bad...



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