"Hey.. we are cooking food.. you want some?"

Dream quickly looked over, seeing Sapnap standing in his room.. being mindful not to stare at him.
"Yes please, I'd like some food." He nodded his head calmly.

"Have you slept at all?" Sapnap tilted his head.. Dream looked exhausted.
"It's been awhile since you've slept if remember correctly." He had a worried look.

"Ah.. I was about to sleep.. but I'm trying to bandage my arm." Dream looked at his semi bruised arm.... It was just a simple lie.
"It's not working so well." He mumbled quietly.

Sapnap frowned, making his way up to dream.
"Karl and I were thinking of continuing the drive after we eat." He had a worried look.
"Are you fine with that?"

"No." Dream instantly shook his head.
"We are waiting." Why wouldnt they wait for George?!
"He will show up."

Sapnap smiled, looking at Dream with a calm look.
"We will wait.. I hope he shows up... I'm kinda missing the doctor as well." He didn't mind waiting... but Karl was nervous- he did not want to get caught or go through what he had to before.

"Me too... please convince Karl to stay- it is my rv after all" Dream quietly mumbled, staring at the ground.
"Now let's eat." he wanted to wait outside.
"I want to wait outside."

Sapnap nodded his head softly.
"I am starving." He was excited to help dream.

Dream nodded his head before slowly walking past Sapnap.
"What did you make for food..?" He calmly spoke.

"err.... I oatmeal.." Sapnap scratched his chin.
"None of us can cook very well..." he whispered ever so quietly.

"Ah." Dream scrunched his nose in disgust..
"Great, just like the community.." he quietly whispered.
"So amazing."

.: George POV :.

George quickly hopped the fence, landing on the opposite side.
"It shouldn't be much further." He was covered in walker blood... they have been killing them all night.
"Thankfully we escaped soon after they drove off."

Punz hopped the fence right after George, barely landing properly.. stumbling in the dirt.
"I am sick of killing Walkers!" He snapped, landing in the grass.
"When will these shitters just rot and DIE!"

George rolled his eyes, looking a distance up the hill... it was a huge hill.
"We should be close by now." His smile growled happily.
"Just a bit longer.."

Punz groaned, grabbing his forehead..
"God fucking damn it..." he stared at the large hill.
"How much longer!?"

He was sick of walking so much..

George was determined to make it home...

.: Dream POV :. 45 minutes later .:.

Dream sat on the rv steps, having a plate of food next to him... mush next to him.
"Tch.." he heard Sapnap and Karl organizing everything inside..

He looked at his food, but he wasn't really hungry at all- especially for slop..

Dream just wanted to sit and think... should they just leave? Would it be the safest option for everyone?
"Fuck.." his friends might be right... it's dangerous staying in one place..

He stood up, picking up his plate.. tilting it to its side- causing it all to slowly spill off the plate and into the grass.

Before Dream went inside, he heard a noise- a shuffle- a groaning of sorts.

Dream quickly turned, seeing a walker stumble towards him ever so slowly- it's jaw clearly broken off.
"Fucking apocalypse.." he placed down his plate, reaching for his axe out of anger.

Whilst he grabbed it firmly and began to walk over... dragging it in the dirt.

As he swung it up in the air- he was stopped when a pipe was stabbed through the walkers head.. making a gushing crack noise as it's skull was distorted.

Dreams eyes widened before quickly walking back, holding up his axe with one hand defensively...

He was getting ready to fight, watching the walker drop to the ground.

"Fucking hell.." the familiar mumbled.

Dreams eyes widened, recognizing the familiar blonde.
"Punz!?" He lowered his axe down... quickly perking up.

Punz looked over, seeing Dream.
"Oh thank god." He fell to his knees... laying onto his side happily.

Dream quickly looked around.. soon looking at Punz with a concerned look.
"Where's George?!" He lowered his axe lower in defeat.

"What?" Punz mumbled, resting on the grass.. he wasn't listening at all.

Dream had a worried look... did- did George...

"Punz, get up- you aren't inside yet."

Dream turned, seeing George walk up the hill.. covered in walker blood.
"GEORGE!" He happily smiled, dropping his axe in an instant.

George quickly jumped, turning to seeing the blonde running his way over.

He smiled happily, but before he spoke- Dream tightly hugged him.

George blinked before he smiled.
"I missed you too." He patted dreams back.. hugging him calmly back...

Dream was glad George was safe.. extremely glad.
"Are you okay?!" He backed up, examining every aspect on George's face and body.. making sure he wasn't injured.
"Are you hurt at all?!"

"I'm fine." George lowered dreams hand, softly grasping it.
"But I need a shower.. I feel disgusting." He looked next to him.
"And Punz needs a nap."

Dream cupped George's cheek with one hand.
"How did you find us so fast." He grew happy.. staring at George..

"Well- it's not rocket science how I found you guys." George laughed, shaking his head softly.
"I told Karl to meet as at the end of the town so I assumed you took backroads that lead here." He rested his hand on dreams.. squeezing it softly.
"Plus there was a campfire smoke for a little bit with a horrible smell of cooking."

Dream smiled happily... he wanted to lean closer to George but chose not to.

George looked at the sling, seeing how messed up it was- WHAT THE HELL?!
"WHO IN THE HELL TIED YOUR SLING LIKE THIS!" He quickly began to fix it.
"It looks like a toddler tried to do it! It's awful!"

Dream felt an invisible tear roll down his face, watching George try and fix it.. he tried-
"I tried my best." He let out a small groan.
"It's difficult with my non dominate hand and staring into a mirror.."

George grumbled, adjusting the sling..
"You need to be more careful!" He huffed... Dream had to be more careful!
"If you don't tie it right- it will make your arm heal funny!"

Dream happily smiled, letting George fix the sling.
"Mhm.." he nodded.


Sapnap stood at the rv entrance, happily smiling.
"See? I told you he'd return Karl." He looked next to Karl, seeing the hopeful look.
"You just need a little faith."

"I didn't think they liked each other that much." Karl happily smiled, looking back at Punz on the grass... weirdo.
"I thought George was using us to escape." He felt relieved George wasn't a bad person.

"Us maybe, but not Dream." Sapnap saw the happy look on dreams face.
"They clearly like each other a lot." He was happy for his friend.
"So maybe instead of trying to convince him to drive off.... Maybe wait?"

Karl nodded his head.
"I don't want to see anymore of my friends die cause we waited too long" He noticed Punz laying on the grass in exhaustion.
"I'd rather escape whilst I can."

"Well... we should probably help him." Sapnap looked at Punz.
"And get everyone inside to happily rest." He nudged his head.
"And we need to find a water resource soon"

Total word count: 1807

.: A needle in a wasteland:. Zombie apocalypse Dnf Au .:.Where stories live. Discover now