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Dream grew worried as George was gone.. it's been awhile- did something happen???
"I should wait a little longer." He held the blanket.
"I can be patient."

He mumbled silently to himself.. what's taking so long..?

"I'm back.."

Dream quickly looked up, seeing George made his way over.
"I thought something happened up front-" he leaned against the bedframe.

"Sort of... we had to leave early since there was a horde." George sat down at the edge of the bed.
"But it's all fine now." He smiled.

"That's a relief...." Dream looked at his arm.
"I would have helped- but I'm quite useless right now." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"I don't think you are useless." George made his way over to him.
"Don't worried about it all."

"I have a fucked up shoulder, I can't use any weapons until it's healed!" Dream sighed, scrunching his nose before pouting.

"You can still swing an axe." George pulled himself next to dreams side, resting his hands on the blondes shoulder.
"You aren't useless." He hummed.

"Yeah?- how am I not..?" Dream cocked a brow.
"My dominant arm is messed up."

"Because my potential boyfriend isn't a useless person." George turned around, sitting next to the blonde.
"Now, let's watch a movie together." He perked up.

Dreams face heated up- who knew George was so open about everything..
"I- alright" he couldn't help but smile.

"I've always wanted to watch a movie with someone special." George rested his chin on his knees.m

"How am I special?" Dream blinked, turning his attention to george.

"You are the first patient that hasn't died on me." George glanced over his shoulder, smiling softly.

Dream stared at George.
"What." He blinked.

"Most of them came in with bites or severe injuries." George shrugged, leaning against Dream.
"Either died from shock or bleeding out." He rested his head on dreams chest.

"That doesn't make me feel better.." Dream grumbled, scrunching his nose.

"Well that's one thing that makes you special." George turned to dream.
"You have good luck, a lot of it." He cupped the blondes cheeks.
"Another is how kind you are, positive and lovely to be around."

Dream stared in awe.
"Lovely?" He smiled.

"Mhm." George got comfortable once again.. resting his head on dreams chest.
"Sorry, I like being near people.." he found it comforting.

"That's alright." Dream grabbed the remote, turning the tv on.
"I put a movie disc into the tv awhile ago- I don't know what it was." He clicked the play button...

It's not like there's any broadcasting channels to go through.

George stared at the tv as it began to play.. his eyes widening with hope.

Dream hugged George with both arms.. being mindful of his shoulder.
"Thank you for giving me a chance." He smiled.

"Sapnap convinced me." George stared at the tv.. he didn't mind it cutting out once in awhile.
"He told me what you said." He hummed.

"WHAT!" Dream sat up, his eyes widening.

"Oh just lay down." George pulled dream back down on the bed.
"You are my pillow.." he wanted Dream to stay close to him.

Dream hugged George happily.
"I didn't think you'd agree to being with me.. at least as a friend with benefits arrangement ." He hummed softly.

"Why not?" George stared at the tv, listening to Dream.

"Well- I met you a week ago..? Or well 4ish days ago..?" Dream rubbed the back of his neck.. awkwardly laughing.

"Honestly, I was interested since you walked into the tent- but I think with my head and not heart." George looked over his shoulder.
"You don't, you think with you heart instead of your head." He poked dreams chest.

"You- were interested in me???" Dream stared in shock, his eyes widening.

"Well, I'm allowed to think thoughts in my head." George perked himself up.. tilting his head to the side.
"A mysterious stranger with an attitude ends up in my tent after falling off a balcony." He cocked a brow.

"okay- i didn't mean to have an attitude." Dream frowned, tilting his head down.
"I didn't want you to be like the other doctor, she was a bitch." He mumbled.

"I've heard." George rested his head on dreams chest.
"But if you give me that attitude again, I'm gonna punch you." He rested his hand in the centre of dreams chest.

Dream chuckled, shaking his head.
"Don't worry, I'll let you know first if I'm in a bad mood." He rubbed George's back.

"Thank you.." George hummed softly... growing curious.

What was dreams life like...?

"Can- I ask you personal questions?" George stared at dream, tilting his head to the side.
"Is that alright?" He hummed.

"Go ahead." Dream nodded his head happily.

"What was your life like." George wanted to know what dreams hobbies were.. what he liked.

"Well- I sat in my room all day making conte-" Dream was carefully cut off.

"I meant like- hobbies, what you loved to do." George didn't mind hearing about dreams job.
"I wanna know what you love." He smiled.

"Oh!" Dreams eyes widened- no one's asked about his hobbies before.
"Well- I really liked to play videos game! It always made me happy!" He quickly began to ramble on.
"I also really loved watching the football games! Until the hole apocalypse- but it was fun! Especially when I went and got steak afterwards from a game!"

George listened happily.

"I enjoyed taking part in events- I always went anonymously to cons.. but slowly more people disappeared." Dream slowly frowned, looking down sadly.

"The outbreak I'm guessing..?" George tilted his head to the side.

"Yeah.." Dream looked up at the ceiling.
"I was lonely for awhile but now I'm not." He smiled happily.
"I can share with what I have with someone special."

"I don't need anything, just my medical bag." George looked back at the movie, humming a soft tune.
"You are the one that needs me." He yawned.

"Mhm." Dream yawned, copying George.
"I do need you." He grew tired.
"Someone needs to take care of me."

"Baby." George rubbed his eyes.. slowly drifting to sleep.

Dream chuckled.. hugging George tightly.
"Mhm.." he slowly drifted to sleep...

Total word count: 1043

.: A needle in a wasteland:. Zombie apocalypse Dnf Au .:.Where stories live. Discover now