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Dream perked up.. tilting his head.
"You were actually curious?" He blinked.

"I haven't had small talk in about a year, or really talked to anyone in a nice conversation or without a gun to my head." George sat up straight, resting his chin in his hand.
"So tell me.. what's your story."

"Only if I get your story in return, I wanna know how a doctor survives after the outbreak.... As you must've been apart of the first responders." Dream was fascinated how George is alive..
"The front line."

"I was in the hospital when everything went to shit, but that's all you are getting." George smirked, shaking his head side to side.
"Now, for payment- what happened too you."

Dream grew even more curious.
"Well.. I guess that's fair for you to know." He nodded his head.

George was excited to hear the story.

"Well, I was with my brother foolish and my girlfriend when it started..." Dream scratched his shoulder.
"We had a barn off in the meadows, so we escaped when chaos started in the city."

"Oh? So you have a girl~ I wonder what she will think about your shoulder." George chuckled, shaking his head softly.

"She died... very early on." Dream sighed softly, sitting up straight.
"It- was my fault for it." He leaned against the wall.

"Didn't she go with you and foolish?" George tilted his head, furrowing his brows softly.

"No, I.....- I abandoned her." Dream looked down at his legs.. stuttering a tad bit.

"Why??" George sat up, looking over at the blonde.

"I found out she was cheating on me, and she wanted to bring him along." Dream frowned.. gripping his head softly.
"That's when I saw what these walkers could do."

"You did the right thing." George sat at the side of the bed, looking over at Dream.

"Did I though?" Dream looked at George, cocking a brow.

"Either in the end.. her other boyfriend was going to kill you- or something would have happened." George's gaze sorrowed, lightly nodding his head.
"Have you found anyone here to make you happy? There's a lot of people here."

"Nah- most people don't like me as I'm bad luck." Dream grumbled, looking at his arm.
"Yet I'm still alive." He sighed softly.

"So you are a scavenger I presume?" George looked at all the gear on Dream.. it seems like he took his job serious.

"Yeah- or patrols." Dream yawned, rubbing his face lightly.
"But mostly I look for food... but last time i ended up finding a horde of zombies and fell off a balcony when escaping." He was starting to get tired.
"Then the others pulled me out."

"As long as you aren't bitten, I can help." George smiled softly, nodding his head.
"Just make sure you aren't gonna die."

"Yeah.. well." Dream took a deep breath.
"Enough about me- what about you? Any loved ones." He watched as the look on George's face faded.

George let out a sigh, carefully laying down on the bed.
"Get some rest, you need it." He turned his back to Dream
"It will help with the wound."

Dream quickly realized that it was a touchy subject.
"Alright..." he rested his head on the pillow.

Eventually the two drifted too sleep.. not talking anymore for the rest of the night.

.: Morning POV :.

"Wake up.."

"Get up."

.: A needle in a wasteland:. Zombie apocalypse Dnf Au .:.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن