~ The one where Hobi finds out

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I have my big exams coming up so I may upload next may but I will try to upload earlier than that. Till now enjoy this chapter. I hope you guys will like it!


As you wrapped up the final tasks at the restaurant, your phone buzzed, interrupting the rhythm of my movements. With a flicker of excitement, you reached for it, hoping to see Jungkook's name lighting up the screen. And sure enough, there it was:

Jungkook: be ready

A surge of anticipation coursed through you as you read his message. Jungkook's messages were always full of mystery and excitement, and you couldn't help but wonder what he had in store for tonight.

For a moment, you hesitated, contemplating your response. Should you play it cool and ignore him, or should you go for a more daring approach? In the end, the desire to show Jungkook that you wasn't easily swayed won out, and you typed out your reply:

Me: Always ready babes *kiss emoji*

With a satisfied smile, you close your phone, feeling a sense of empowerment wash over you. If Jungkook wanted to play games, then so be it. You are more than ready to meet him head-on, to show him that you aren't afraid of whatever he has planned.

As the staff wrapped up their tasks and prepared to leave for the night, you nodded in response to the question about readiness to depart. With the keys in hand, you made your way towards the exit, a sense of anticipation building within you.

But before you could step out, you notice Hobi lingering behind, his demeanor noticeably subdued. Concern etched across your features, you approached him with a gentle touch on his shoulder.

'Hey, what's going on?' You asked softly, your voice laced with genuine concern. Hobi's shoulders slumped, a weight seemingly bearing down on him.

With a comforting arm around his shoulders, you guided him towards your car, a small gesture to lighten the mood. As you reached for the door handle and opened it for him, a soft chuckle escaped his lips, a glimmer of amusement flickering in his eyes.

Settling into the driver's seat, you took a moment to ensure Hobi was comfortable before starting the engine. With a glance in his direction, you couldn't help but wonder why he was feeling so sad.

As you started driving, the familiar sights and sounds of the city passed by, the gentle hum of the engine filling the silence between the two of you. But it wasn't long before the anticipation of the evening's plans crept back into your mind.

'My place, with wine, with Naza, with food?' You suggested, eager to lighten his mood.

Hobi nodded in agreement, his voice filled with longing. 'Yes, red wine, yes, and I want some Chinese takeout,' he replied, his enthusiasm evident.

'Usual?' You inquired, already knowing the answer. Hobi's silence spoke volumes, confirming your suspicions.

With a sense of excitement building within you, you navigated the familiar streets towards your destination. The promise of good company and delicious food filled you with anticipation, and you couldn't wait to reunite with Naza and Hobi.

Riding into Chinatown, the familiar sights and smells of Xi'an Delicious Food greeted you like an old friend. This was the place where college Hobi and you had practically lived off for two years, surviving on a steady diet of noodles, dumplings, and stir-fries. As the two of you entered the restaurant, memories of late-night study sessions and impromptu gatherings flooded into your mind, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over you.

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