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eddie was done. so fucking done with this "relationship" between him and richie. it felt one sided to him, he felt like it only mattered to him.

it felt like richie wasn't taking things seriously, which is the complete opposite of what eddie wanted.

eddie had spent years, YEARS crushing on his best friend. only to actually get into a relationship with him and realize that richie is nothing like what he'd dreamt about for years.

to say eddie was hurt and disappointed was an understatement. he was so excited, but now it just feels like it was all a waste of time.

these past few weeks have been awful. every day he's been hoping that richie would somehow change and put in an effort, and commit to their relationship. haha, no. but eddie can't keep waiting every day for something that clearly isn't going to happen. so he was done, and he felt like it was no use trying to salvage their relationship anyways.

nobody knows how richie is when they're alone, he hasn't told any of the other losers. he can't. he also can't tell them that he's been crying himself to sleep almost every night because he doesn't feel good enough. and so no one would notice, on one of his pharmacy trips he decided to buy fucking concealer. the cashier looked a bit puzzled but since she looked new, he just lied and said he was picking it up for his sister. which he clearly didn't have.

so every morning since then, he's covered underneath his eyes with it the best he could so no one would ask questions. kinda stupid, i know. but it worked, he got through the excruciatingly long school days without any questions. no questions, meant no explaining, and no explaining meant no crying. which was good.

eddie felt used. it seemed all he and richie ever did was make out, or whatever. yeah, sure eddie liked it at first. but now he's starting to not. it happens at least three to four times a week.

whenever eddie mentions doing something else, richie immediately turns it down. and even if eddie isn't in the mood, he'll try his hardest and fake it for richie. cause he loved him.

he's tried to talk to him about it but richie never takes anything seriously so it's pretty much useless.

was eddie being over dramatic? he didn't know. but he did know that he couldn't take this anymore. he felt ignored, and i'm pretty sure that's not how you're supposed to feel in a relationship.

eddie knew richie would be coming over tonight to do what they always do. make out, and eddie was not up for that. it was currently almost seven, and the sun was setting. richie usually came over around 7:45-8:00 so he still had time to sneak out.

he grabbed a couple things before he left. a sweater from his closet, his inhaler, band-aids, a lighter he had stolen from bev. specifically for this night. he stared at the last item before feeling tears well up in his eyes, his vision got blurry and he blinked the tears away. letting them fall down his face. he wiped them away immediately and grabbed the photo booth picture of him and richie.

and with that, he snuck out his window. carefully sliding down the side roof.

he ran into the woods. he ran to the one spot he would go sometimes to watch the sunset, look at the flowers, and maybe cry.

he sat against a rock and pulled his knees up to his chest, letting a couple more tears fall. he tried to hold them in, he tried to keep himself together.

just on time, richie began walking to eddie's house. doing his routine and climbing up the roof, but he noticed the window was open. he approached it thinking that eddie was just waiting for him but when he looked in, eddie wasn't there.

"eddie?" richie called out. nothing.

panic set in for richie. where the fuck is he? then he remembered something eddie told him one time. that he liked to sneak off to this spot in the woods to watch the sun set or something. he remembered because he thought it was adorable.

richie immediately slid down the roof and started running into the woods. he kept running into broken branches, but he didn't care. he kept running.

and there he was... richie was right. he was sitting against a rock picking flowers, roses. eddie loved flowers...

eddie didn't need to turn around to know who had approached him. he sniffled before he started

"there's something that you and flowers have in common" eddie sounded vulnerable

"what?" richie was confused.

"you're both pretty on the outside but once you get too close you get hurt"

eddie turns around and holds a hand up. richie immediately notices the blood trickling down his hand. it's from picking the thorny roses and purposely having them cut him. what the fuck..?

eddie stands up, he holds a bunch of roses in one hand, and looks richie in the eyes. richie's still confused.

"oh yeah, and that i loved you"

loved..?? as in not anymore..? richie's eyes widen, neither of them had said that to each other before ever. richie had thought about saying it a couple of times, but he was scared eddie didn't love him back.

richie stood there in shock. for 1. how eddie was able to say that so calmly. and 2. why the fuck it felt like his own mouth was sewn or stapled shut. he couldn't say anything. that made him feel stupid.

eddie thought richie looked pathetic, he was waiting for him to say something but he didn't. he just stood there...

eddie threw the flowers to the ground, and grabbed the lighter. richie's confusion continued to grow. where did he get a lighter? why does he have one? what is he doing...

eddie reached into his pocket and pulled out a folded up piece of paper. though it wasn't just any piece of paper. it was the picture. richie had noticed this right away he brought the lighter to the corner and it caught aflame.

richie just stared at him, he didn't know how to express any emotion he was feeling right now. there was too much going on inside his head, his thoughts were racing and not to mention, his heart was too.

eddie threw the picture on top of the flowers, a couple of the petals catching aflame too. eddie stepped on them, crushing them. i didnt think eddie would ever hurt flowers.

"eddie..." richie started, his voice laced with concern. but eddie soon cut him off

"save it richie"

that was it. everything was done, all of it. eddie walked away, leaving richie alone in the middle of the woods. richie soon felt tears fall down his face.

<1159 words>

{a/n: i feel like this was very lazily written. idk 😭 forgive me 🙏😔}

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