♡ | 𝚜𝚒𝚌𝚔

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it's been a long day for richie. school was horrible, he wasn't his usual self. he was a bit more reserved today, which isn't normal. he felt tired all day, he assumed it was because of his 3 1/2 hours of sleep the night prior.

but he just felt off, something wasn't right and he knew it. it was friday, which usually he's in a good mood/excited for. he loves fridays, cause then he doesn't have to do school for 2 days. but he wasn't excited for anything.

he really just wanted to leave, not specifically go anywhere. just, leave. he didn't feel good. though he didn't have any "sick symptoms" he didn't have a cough or anything like that. he felt a little warm but he didn't have a fever, at least not yet.

he just kinda felt sick to his stomach. he randomly presumed it might've been food poisoning, but where the fuck would he have gotten food poisoning? he just thought that to make himself feel better, it didn't really help much.

eddie kept glancing back at him class, he could tell that there was something wrong with richie. he was worried.

richie was laying on his arms, which were resting on his desk like a pillow. he had never been known to be one of those people who'd fall asleep in class. he was always full of energy.

the teacher for that class had called his name, she had asked what was wrong. the whole time eddie's attention was on richie, he looked miserable. eddie didn't like seeing him like this.

"do you want to go to the nurse?" the teacher asked politely.

"i-i don't.." you could tell richie didn't want to  go, the teacher cut him off though.

"richie, go to the nurse." she wasn't really aggressive, she just sounded a bit worried also.

"okay.." he didn't even complain, or show any bit of cockiness like he usually would.

"someone should help hi-"

eddie's hand shoots up immediately. he wanted to help him, he wanted to help richie more than anything. for some reason he wanted to be by his side, he wouldn't trust anybody else going with him. plus he could guarantee no one else would've raised their hand.

"okay. eddie make sure he gets down there okay."

"of course." eddie wouldn't let anything happen to richie. he's not "strong" or anything, but no matter what, he wouldn't let anything happen to him.
"come on." he stands next to richie's desk and looks down at him. he puts his hand out for richie to grab while giving him a small smile.

richie doesn't hesitate to grab eddie's hand. they walk out of the classroom, still hand in hand. richie doesn't want to let go, fortunately for him eddie doesn't mind.

"hey, rich.. i've been worried about you all day. are you okay?"

the fact that eddie was worried for him made richie's heart flutter. eddie squeezed richie's hand gently.

"i don't know. i just don't feel very good. ive been kinda nauseous all day."

usually the thought of somebody being nauseous would make eddie back away, not even wanting to be anywhere near their presence. but when richie said he felt nauseous it didn't effect eddie in that way. it made him want to stay by richie's side even more. protect him like a mother bird protects its child and attends to its needs.

eddie caresses richie hand with his thumb, making sure richie knows that everything will be okay, and that he's there for him.

they walk down the stairs slower than normal, eddie said it would probably be a good idea considering richie is nauseous. he still holds onto richie's hand.

they walk into the nurses office, eddie brings richie over to sit down. it's probably better for him to sit, rather than stand. eddie sits down next to him, richie still holds onto his hand even though eddie tried letting go. he smiles a little at that fact.

"so, what going on?" the nurse asks, she sounds annoyed.

"i-i've been nauseous and tired a-all day.." richie says and squeezes eddie's hand a bit.

"um, okay. well you can just stay down here for a bit then." wow, she's helpful. definitely good at doing her job, what if he was dying? what if there was something severely wrong with him? then what?! you still just gonna tell him to sit there!? eddie overthinks, and worries. per usual.

"your friend will have to go back to class though." she almost got cut off by richie,
"no! i-i want him to stay..." and with that, he squeezed eddie's hand again. even putting his second one on top, holding eddie's smaller hand tightly.

the nurse just sighs, and then leaves the room. what kind of fucking shitty nurse is this?!

richie's just tired, so he doesn't really care. all he cares about is if eddie is with him. all of a sudden, richie looks as if he's seen a ghost or something.

"oh fuck." are the last words out of richie's mouth before he's suddenly rushing to the bathroom. eddie doesn't hesitate a second less to follow him.

richie empties the contents of his stomach, hovering over the toilet trying to calm his breathing. eddie rubs his back, he hates seeing his best friend, who is also the boy he's been in love with for years, in this kind of condition.

"shhh, it's okay.." eddie tries his best to comfort him.

richie coughs before sitting back against the wall, flushing the toilet before reaching for eddie's hand. richie's shaking. they sit there for a little bit, in comfortable silence. richie's trying to calm down and stop shaking.

"you feel any better?"

"a bit.. thanks eds."

usually eddie would scold him for calling him that, but he didn't feel like he should in this situation. plus, he wouldn't ever say anything, but it's starting to grow on him. it makes his heart flutter whenever he hears it.

he gives richie a small smile, richie smiles back. eddie pulls richie into his arms, knowing that it'll make richie more comfortable and relaxed. not even caring about the fact that he just threw up, and he'd normally find that disgusting.

richie's arms wrap around eddie's much smaller frame. eddie plays with his hair, it usually relaxes him. he rubs his back too.

after a while of sitting on the bathroom floor, richie pulls away and looks at eddie in his eyes.

he's so pretty... richie thinks to himself while smiling. he stands up, and offers eddie a hand.

"here, wait." eddie grabs a mint out of his pocket and hands it to richie. he always has them for some reason.

"it'll help your stomach tame down a bit, they help. and, as an added bonus. it'll make you not smell like throw up." eddie says with a soft smile, and giggle. giving richie a kiss on the cheek. before walking out of the bathroom, richie not far behind him.

<1177 words>

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