♡ | 𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚙𝚑𝚘𝚋𝚒𝚊

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eddie was curled up against richie's chest in his bed, they were finally able to have a sleepover and they were both stoked.

earlier that night it had started raining, and weather forecasts kept saying it was going to turn into thunderstorms. which made eddie tense up. because yes, eddie is scared of thunderstorms.

but he didn't tell richie this, he didn't want richie to think he was a baby. that was stupid, his fear of thunderstorms was stupid. it's literally just rain with loud booms and lightning. but he was terrified...

eddie wasn't really afraid of much. sure he was afraid of germs and diseases. (and his mother) but those were reasonable. he thought being afraid of thunderstorms was stupid because it can't even hurt you! at least if you're inside. if you're outside you could get struck by lightning, so avoid trees and anything metal cause it'll be a higher chance. but it's very unlikely. he always told himself.

he also told himself to not panic tonight. cause tonight was supposed to be a fun night, he finally got to have a sleepover with richie and they were having a good night. but ironically, once richie fell asleep the thunderstorm started. he was now laying in bed restless.

he was trying not to panic but there was a boom every 30 seconds it seemed like. which kept causing eddie to shriek, he felt like a fucking puppy.

he sat up, thankfully not waking richie. he grabbed his inhaler and crept across the room. he leaned against the wall and breathed in and out before taking a puff of his inhaler.

he tried to steady his breathing and eventually slid down the wall, putting his hands over his ears and sitting with his knees pulled up to his chest. he rested his head in between them and closed his eyes. curling into a ball seemed like a good idea, though he could still feel the vibrations from the thunder through the floor.

he keeps taking deep breaths. in. out. in. out. he repeats.

suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder which caused him to jump. he looks up, richie...

his hair was a mess, he didn't have his glasses on, his shirt was all scrunched up and his eyes looked tired.

"ed's..?" richie said, his voice a bit raspy since he just woke up

eddie opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out.

"what's wrong love?" richie said comfortingly while sitting down next to eddie and intertwining their fingers.

eddie kept staring out his bedroom window, accidentally eyeing the tree that kept smacking his window. it looked much scarier while it was dark, rainy, and windy...

richie's eyes followed eddie's until they landed on the window. he squinted his eyes to be able to see a bit clearer, then it clicked.

"oh. you're scared the thunderstorm? come here. it's okay.." richie said while pulling the smaller boy into his lap.

eddie wrapped his arms around richie and started to calm down. he always felt safe in richie's arms, like nothing bad could ever happen to him as long as he was.

richie played with his hair before planting a kiss on the top of his head. eddie finally faded off to sleep, richie very quickly after. but he wanted to make sure eddie was asleep before he himself fell asleep.

and that's how they slept the rest of the night; eddie laying in richie's lap with two of their hands intertwined, while the other was wrapped around the other person. in the corner of eddie's room on the floor.

when they woke up the next morning the rain was just coming to a halt, with a faint rainbow in the cloudy sky. eddie smiled at the sight.

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reddie :: oneshots ♡Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz