♡ | 𝚑𝚊𝚖𝚖𝚘𝚌𝚔

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eddie rips of the shower cap, fuck he can't seem stupid in front of richie. he just made fun of him. he sighs before walking up to richie in the hammock.

"hey rich, your ten minutes are up"

"what are you talking about?"

"the hammock? ten minutes each was the rule."

"i don't see any sign?"

"are you being this way right now? why would there be a sign if it was a verbal agreement?!"

"i don't remember anything-"

"i remember you, agreeing, on, the fucking rule."

eddie cuts richie off and begins to climb into the hammock while richie is still in it. richie sets his comic book down and puts both hands on the sides of the hammock to hold it steady. so eddie doesn't fall and get hurt, even though if it were to fall it would entirely be his fucking fault.

"ed's don't, you're gonna make us fall." richie says but eddie doesn't listen, he's too busy ranting on and trying to get into the hammock.

eddie's trying to carefully climb in, but instead falls in. landing on top of richie, causing the hammock to flip making both boys end up on the floor.

eddie falls and lands on his back, slamming against the ground of the clubhouse. richie lands on top of him. legs on either side of his waist and his hands pinning eddie's wrists to the ground.

"exactly why i told you not to fucking do that" richie says in a voice that's just above a whisper. he's a little flustered, but he won't show it.

eddie's staring up at him, his eyes sparkle and richie feels safe. safe in eddie's presence, always has. this causes him to relax, and not be so tense about the situation anymore. he always leans towards eddie whenever he's scared. to make himself remember that he's okay as long as he has eddie. eddie's his safe space, which is why he's always around him or standing next to him. richie usually isn't one to get scared, but ever since pennywise terrorized him and his friends. he's been more cautious. he won't show it in the form of fear displayed on his face, or in his voice. he just needs to make sure he's by eddie, and he'll be okay.

they can't keep their eyes off each other's, staring so deeply. eddie whispers back, a little out of breath but extremely flustered. his cheeks have turned a tinted shade of light pink, and his heart rate has sped up rapidly.

"that hurt... asshole.."

all of the losers are watching them, but they don't realize this until they hear bev laugh. they were too zoned in to each other they forgot there was 5 other people down there with them.

they both turn their heads in bevs direction. bill, stan, and bev are all whispering to each other. whatever it's about, it's definitely about them. which causes richie to get off of eddie, he stands up and offers eddie a hand.

eddie grabs on and richie is a little surprised. he thinks that if it was any other circumstance, eddie wouldn't dare grab his hand. there was something that clicked when they were both on the ground, but he doesn't know what...

richie pulls eddie up and eddie stumbles closer to richie, their faces only inches apart at this point. richie's eyes scan eddie's face, taking in his features... eddie does the same.

they realize what they're doing, and remember that all the losers are staring at them still. eddie lets go of richie's hand, which he was still holding. then they walk away from each other.

the rest of the day they don't really talk to each other, both definitely too flustered and embarrassed to do so. they keep staring at each other throughout the day. eddie could not take his eyes off richie. richie couldnt help to smile to himself whenever he felt eddie's eyes on him. soon enough they'd get caught again and stop, acting like it never happened. though the remnant of red on their cheeks says else wise, and the rest of the losers can tell.

they think it's cute, if only they would just confess to each other. they've never seen richie so happy, he may always be joking around and teasing eddie but the losers have been paying attention to how they look at each other, or how nervous they get sometimes when they're in the others presence. it's so obvious richie and eddie are in love, yet neither of them have seemed to notice it.

<𝟽𝟼𝟺 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜>

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