To The End - My Chemical Romance

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authors note: I was thinking of dumping this story but blakes really interested for some reason so i'll keep writing gang

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Silence filled the room as Gwen and Avery kept glancing at each other, Nobody wanted to be the one to break the awkward moment.

"So you messaged Tara?" Johnnie looked at Gwen.

"Uhhhhhhhhh yeah..!" Gwen forced a smile while indicating Avery to say something.

"Uuuuuuhhhh- it was a really interesting conversation..!" Avery also forced a smile.

"You guys are like... horrible at lying." Johnnie rolled his eyes. "Im a bad liar and not even im this bad."

"We aren't lieing!" They both said in unison, causing them both to give each other a DUDE? look...

"Just tell me what's up." Johnnie sat on the chair and crossed his arms.

"What's there to tell you..!" Gwen was dragging it at this point.

"You guys are gonna tell me what's up before I check myself." Johnnie gave each of them a nasty glare.

"And how do you plan on doing that then." Avery spoke up.

"Remind Gwen to log out next time."

Gwen and Avery looked at each other with a look of defeat, but they weren't gonna confess anything until he finds out himself.

"Fine, let's see what you two have been up to on here then."

Gwen and Avery were literally praying to the gods above that he didn't check Tara and Gwens chats...

It didn't work gang he went onto Tara first 😎

He was reading everything then switched tabs to the photos app where it was already on the video they both watched, the girls were very stupid to not;

1. Log out
2. Swipe out the tabs
3. Do what Tara said anyway

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Johnnie quickly left the room, hopefully just off to the bathroom.

"D'you think he saw it all?" Avery whispered.

"Im pretty sure he did..." Gwen whispered back.

"Soooo... do you like him like THAT?" Avery giggled.

"Shut up!!!" Gwen groaned.

"I mean what's the point in denying it at this point... I saw the video too man." Avery shrugged.

"Im not bringing it up unless he does." Gwen laid back down, the pain wasn't really wearing away but it was less painful when laying down.

"lowk would do the same 🙁" Avery agreed.

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Eventually Johnnie came back into the room, this time the girls were prepared to actually talk and not stumble and stutter.

"hey..." Gwen said, starting off basic.

There was no answer, ouch. 😬

Avery stood up and glanced at them both.

"Im gonna grab something to eat..."

Then she left, leaving just Gwen and Johnnie.

Gwen couldn't really do much except lay back and stare at the ceiling, her phone was shattered and she couldn't even think about starting a conversation with Johnnie, even though she was itching to know what he was thinking right now.

"On that note, im gonna grab you something to eat." Johnnie stood up and headed towards the door.

"No it's okay im not hungry." Gwen lied, she was STARVING after not eating proper food for the past nearly five days.

"Never asked if you were hungry or not, you're getting something to eat." He said this with a more serious tone.

Johnnie left the room and it was just Gwen, thankfully around 5 minutes later a nurse came in.

"friends left already?" (Cheeky nurse so she was)

"oh I dont know..." Gwen yawned.

"how are you feeling?" The nurse asked.

"tired, sore, bored." She shrugged.

"Well... we're gonna release you now. BUT..."

"You need a carer for the next couple days till you fully recover, It was a nasty fall... You should be glad your guy friend was able to cover the bill, it was hefty." The nurse shrugged.

"On the documents it said you lived alone, so you can either find someone willing to be your carer or we can assign you one from the hospital."

Gwen was nodding along to what the nurse was saying.

"Hopefully you find someone, Gwen." The nurse gave a nod and a smile then left, leaving her alone with her thoughts again.

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Avery came into the room first.

"What took YOU so long." Gwen rolled her eyes.

"The CD and Vinyl shop in the street across was having a sale and I copped myself something." Avery shrugged.

"What did you get then."

"The greatest showman soundtrack on CD !! 😎"

"Are you taking the piss bro."

"No 😎"

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Johnnie eventually came back with something for Gwen to eat, he was careful in choosing what she would actually eat.

"What did you get then" Gwen asked.

"You'll see." He mumbled.

He didn't get anything for himself, just a smoothie and a small sushi platter for Gwen.

"you know me so well" Gwen giggled.

The group started babbling to each other aboht everything and anything while Gwen ate, the topic went from how sushi is made to how Avery found the bearded woman in the greatest showman fit. Yikes!

"A nurse came in while you guys were out" Gwen was still chewing as she spoke.


"What did they say?"

"They said if I wanted to be released today I needed some carer for the next few days while I recover or I can stay here and recover." Gwen swallowed then kept talking. "I honestly have no idea who to ask so I just plan on staying here for longer."

"I don't think anyone could last a day being YOUR carer Gwen" Avery joked.

"im up for it" Johnnie didn't look up from his phone.

"You sure?"

"Yeah like Gwen is SUPER HARD to deal with especially for longer than 2 hours."

Gwen quickly glared at Avery. 🤬

"I've dealt with her for 2 days in a row and didn't turn to the dark side, I think we'll be fine." Johnnie playfully rolled his eyes.

"shut uuup I wasn't even that bad" Gwen mumbled.

"Never said you were." He shrugged.

"Seriously your getting on my nerves now"

"Tell me something new."

This resulted in him getting elbowed in the stomach with a bit of force, causing him to yelp.

"You're telling the nurse im too scared" Gwen glanced at him.

"Your too scared to talk to your own nurse?"

"You said you were gonna stop."

"god, fine fine."

hes just a friend !! (johnnie guilbert fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now