Dancing With A Tuna - Luka

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authors note: dude this is gonna be at like 30 chapters and will still be at like 20 reads 💔☹️

─ ⊹ ⊱ ☆ ⊰ ⊹ ─

Gwen ran out her flat and starting running down the stairs. Big Mistake.

She tripped over one of the step ridges and fell face first down a set of concrete stairs with a big thud.

- ⊹ ⊱ ☆ ⊰ ⊹ -

(pls this is a screenshot of another story i made a inside joke with my friends with ☹️)

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(pls this is a screenshot of another story i made a inside joke with my friends with ☹️)

─ ⊹ ⊱ ☆ ⊰ ⊹ ─

She was slowly waking up, trying to open her eyes
2 familiar voices were arguing.

"Nah because if I find out you did something you won't be seeing daylight again you hear me."

"I didn't do anything to her"

"Im watching your every step."


Gwen was fully awake, she was staring right at the ceiling. All she could process was extremely bright fluorescent lighting and a bunch of beeps.

"GWENS UP!" Avery jumped with excitement, Gwen just groaned in response.

Everywhere and everything hurt, she couldn't recall anything that could cause such pain which happened last night. All she could remember was rushing out the flat door to catch a uber...

"You were knocked out for four days, that guy there was crying even more than me." Avery rolled her eyes and pointed at Johnnie.

"No I never!" Johnnie was a pretty bad liar.

"W-what happened..." Gwen tried to talk in her normal energetic voice but she couldn't, everywhere just hurt so bad.

"Well." Avery glared at Johnnie.

"Someone was super desperate to make sure that you would be okay and now you're gonna have a hefty hospital bill on your hands." Avery rolled her eyes.

"oh goddd... i don't have the money for this" Gwen had a croaky and quiet voice, it was clear she was in pain.

"Don't even worry about it, I got you covered." Johnnie whispered into her ear.

"Oooh what did your boyfriend say!!" Avery giggled.

"It's not like that Avery.." Gwen glared at her.

"Whatever you say." Avery replied, holding her hands up in the air.

Gwen rolled her eyes.

"on a more positive note... hi johnnie" Gwen smiled a little.

"Im so glad your- sorta okay... alive at least." Johnnie smiled back at her.

"What even happened anyway..?" Gwen looked at him with a confused expression.

"Well, you left your flat rushing to catch a uber i booked for you while i stayed back in your flat..."

hes just a friend !! (johnnie guilbert fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu