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Sometimes it's loss that really makes us understand how much we loved.
That was the first thing that came to Alice's mind as Well's body was swallowed by the ground. But as she pressed the cross into the loosened soil and forced her brown, glassy eyes to focus on the four crooked letters- his name immortalized in the wood- she inescapably realized that she could not identify with that quote. She had always loved Wells, held him so close to her heart, as if a place had always been reserved for him in the depths of her chest.

And now he was gone, sobbed her bleeding heart, which now remained as only one half, its right half buried in the ground with her friend. He had been murdered, his last breath taken in cold blood by the Grounders.
At least that's what she had been told. Alice did not know what to believe anymore. She had just sat here, in front of Wells' grave, staring at his five letters. The earth beneath her was damp, soaked with her tears. Four days had passed, and gradually the daily routine of the others had returned to their everyday lives. Not for Alice. She still sat here, waiting.

She didn't know what for. Maybe for peace to return, or for her to come to terms with this situation - his absence - in some way. Maybe she was waiting for him to come back to her. But Wells didn't move. He was gone.
Alice could not come to terms with that thought, and sooner or later she realized that Everything can change in an instant. Everything. And then there is only before and after.

She listened to the footsteps walking quietly towards her, though she didn't turn around. Almost as if she couldn't tear her eyes away from his name, which in the midst of her racing thoughts triggered only one question: What if? What if she had been by Wells' side that night? What if Wells hadn't been keeping watch that night? What if Wells hadn't been killed?

"Hey," she heard someone say. Hesitantly, the brunette forced her eyes from the wood and looked over her shoulder, up into Octavia Blake's face. The younger girl gave her a soft, encouraging smile as she took a step forward, eventually kneeling on the ground next to Alicent. She held a small, white flower in her hands and silently placed it on Wells' grave before focusing her green eyes on Alice.

"Jasper and I were going for a walk," she said, "I thought you might want to come along." Octavia waited patiently, her gaze fixed on the girl's side profile. It was then that she noticed the dark shadows under Alicents brown eyes and her once pink lips that had lost their color. Her nose was red, and her hazel hair, usually falling admiringly over her shoulders, was sticking out wildly in all directions.

"It's just a short walk," the younger girl continued encouragingly, placing a hand on the other's shoulder. Alicent took a deep breath and finally forced her eyes up to Octavia Blake, who was eyeing her with utter concern.
"Okay," she nodded dazedly, still drunk on the grief that had consumed her for days. "Okay, I'll come with you." She let Octavia pull her to her feet, which - for a moment - threatened to give way beneath her, forcing her back to the ground where her friend remained buried.

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