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A/n-- Hope y'all love this update & sorry for the delay precious 🙏 💕

Taehyung's head is pounding with intense pain, reminiscent of a jackhammer drilling into his skull, resulting in a sensation similar to an earthquake. The sensation extends to his scalp, which feels as fragile as the first piece of gravel before the subsequent crumbling of all the stones. Attempting to rub the sleep out of his eyes, he realizes that the weight of his arm feels foreign, as if firmly anchored to the bed, making it impossible for him to rise. He questions the cause of his condition, pondering what could be wrong with him. Despite struggling to open his eyes, he senses that something else is amiss. Not only does his entire body ache, including his limbs and stomach, but it is his head that instills fear within him. It feels as if a dense fog has descended upon a mountain, deteriorating visibility. However, this problem is not confined to a landscape; it is happening to him. Finally, when he manages to open his eyes, he is greeted with minimal light, as the windows are covered, hindering clarity. The faint beams that manage to filter into the room offer little illumination. Additionally, a sudden wave of nausea strikes him, coinciding with the realization that he is not in his desert home. The room surrounding him is unfamiliar.

Later, he remembers the auction night when someone offered him pomegranate juice. After drinking it, he lost consciousness and has no recollection of anything that happened afterward.

Damn! Memory loss.

There is no time to cry.

In the dimly lit room, overwhelmed by the urgency to escape, he resists the urge to succumb to despair. Fingers press against the windowsill, a contemplative gaze fixed on the prospect of climbing out. Uncertain of a destination, the need to make an effort prevails over the comfort of inertia.

As he maneuvers to fit through the window, thoughts race about potential escape routes beyond. The possibility of rails or lower windows for a descent lingers in his mind. Each movement forward is fueled by the determination to evade captivity, a silent commitment against waiting for the captor's return.

A sudden interruption shatters his focus, a voice echoing behind him, freezing him in fear. Unbeknownst to him, he isn't alone, and the captor has silently entered the room. Compliance overrules escape as he's instructed to descend. The drapes fall back into place, concealing the exterior world as he turns to face the looming figure.

The room, now almost entirely dark, challenges his vision. Straining his eyes against the shadows, only faint rays of light penetrate the gloom. The captor, a dominating presence, remains shrouded in darkness, casting an ominous silhouette over the tense scene.

Taehyung pov

Like the grim reaper emerging, ready to take me to the underworld. A shiver runs down my spine. I haven't even seen his face, yet I'm already paralyzed with fear. His mere presence is enough to send me cowering in a corner. However, I cannot succumb to fear. He is the only obstacle preventing my escape, so I must approach this situation cautiously. With my hands placed firmly on my hips, I muster the courage to step forward. Although I am terrified, I refuse to show him my fear. "Who are you?" I inquire. No response. I raise my voice and repeat my question, demanding an answer. The absence of his reply makes me question if I had even heard him before. I take another step forward. "I said, why am I here?" This time, he steps out of the shadows, revealing his face a bit. He is strikingly handsome, almost god-like. I can assume it. His features are sharp and intense, exuding power. His eyes, dark and soulless, speak volumes. "Why am I here?" I speak again, desperate for a response. The silence in the room becomes suffocating. I beg him to talk, answer, acknowledge my presence in some way. Yet, instead of giving me what I seek, he retreats back into the shadows, closing and locking the door behind him. Left alone, I retreat to the bed, curling up in a protective embrace. The tremors of fear course through my body as I struggle to comprehend what has just occurred. Who is this man and what is his motive? Fear continues to consume me, and the realization dawns that I can only be here for one reason: I have been abducted, likely for the purpose of rape and potentially murder. Disturbing thoughts plague my mind, creating vivid images that I cannot escape. A sob escapes my lips as tears stream down my face. No. I shake my head, vowing not to cry. I reach up and wipe away the evidence of my distress. There must be a way out. My gaze returns to the locked door. I am trapped, confined within a cage. A luxurious cage, perhaps, but a cage nonetheless.

That would be my bad luck. I should return. Accept my destiny. However, I don't desire to do so. I feel like I'm suffocating, but at least I have air here. I gaze at the night sky, pondering how this situation came to be. Why am I in this position and what does he desire from me? Fear lingers inside me. My mind is racing at a rapid pace. Tears form and glisten in the moonlight. Taking in a slow breath, I try to calm myself. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in... I will find a solution. I am confident that I will. I don't have any other option. I am not someone who can be controlled by others. Breathe out...

Then again, I don't know myself when I fall asleep.

Exactly, I am not really aware of the exact moment I am falling asleep. My life just turn upside down.


Despite the stern voice reverberating through the room, the petite blonde remained unfazed, not showing even the slightest hint of fear. His crescent-shaped eyes remained unwavering, as if he had no concern for the situation at all. In reality, he truly didn't care.
"I would be okay with you going to another country alone, as long as you allow me and Yoongi to accompany you as bodyguards," the tall male asserted, his voice echoing.

"I made it clear before, Kook, that I will not allow any of your pets to accompany me. Especially not that loyal pet of yours, Yoongi," the blonde-haired person said calmly, their words dripping with venom, directed towards someone standing behind their boss, seemingly unnoticed in the room. The blonde pretended he didn't see the person.

"Do you really think it's that simple? You're not going anywhere without my protection," Jungkook stubbornly echoed."I know you have responsibilities with your family business in Japan, and I understand your perspective, Chim. But please, try to understand my point as well. You're my best friend, and I can't just stay here without knowing if you're safe or not."

The blonde knew his friend cared about him; they were childhood friends, so the concern was mutual.

"I highly value Yoongi not only as my second in command but also as a dear brother. Therefore, I expect you to address him with utmost respect. It should be clear that I have zero tolerance for anyone who shows disrespect towards my family," the dominant friend added, looking directly into the crescent eyes.That was the last straw for Jimin. He burst out, "You know what? I'm going to hate you now. You say I'm your best friend, but you're threatening me like an outsider."
"As long as you're safe, it’s okay to hate me," he said, leaving the scene after uttering the sentence."Why are you staring at me?" Jimin questioned, scolding the person in front of him. "Start preparing my car," Jimin berated, observing Yoongi, who simply nodded without warmth in his gaze."I don't understand why people are more interested in watching family drama instead of focusing on their work," he muttered quietly to himself as he walked away.


When I woke up, it was nighttime and I found myself in an unfamiliar room. The only source of light came from lanterns. My head was throbbing and I felt nauseous, wondering what had happened to me and where I was. Trying to get up, I realized I was weak and heavy, as if burdened by a ton of weight. Even my head refused to lift from the pillow. Exhausted, I closed my eyes and fell back asleep.

Yeah..I surrendered to sleep once more...

When I opened my eyes again, darkness still enveloped the room.

As it was still dark. Unsure of how much time had passed, it could have been another night for all I knew. I had no way to check the time since I didn't have a clock, purse, or phone. This time, however, I managed to gather enough strength to sit on the edge of the bed. I waited for the dizziness in my head to subside, noticing a bedside lamp. When I turned it on, the room was illuminated, revealing that the place I found myself in was likely very old and completely unfamiliar. Oops!

The windows were adorned with large frames and across from the heavy wooden bed stood an immense stone fireplace, reminiscent of ones seen only in movies. The ceiling had old beams that blended seamlessly with the window frames further establishing the age and rustic allure of the space.  Despite the darkness outside, the room felt warm and inviting.

Wasn’t it strange?

The darkness that prevailed outside, an air of warmth and welcome permeated the room as if I belong in here.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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