Chapter Eleven: Blood and The Fog of War

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When Chaleek and Jieun caught up with the rest of the troupe in the sitting room, they were holding hands and whispering into each other's ear. Rocio and Taeyang seemed to find it cute and endearing. Candle-Eyes thought it was suspicious. Goda gave Chaleek a thumbs up when he thought Jieun wasn't looking, and his brother seemed oblivious as usual. Jieun smiled as she realized she liked their little group of troublemakers.

"I'd hoped we'd all soak and talk," Taeyang grunted as Rocio elbowed his ribs, "but I guess we can get to know each other another time."

Candle-Eyes shook his head and picked at a large ear.

Taeyang leaned forward, steepling his fingers. "We're a day, maybe a day and a half march from the border. After that we'll be in goblin country. Candle-Eyes is the only one of us who's been down there, and he's the one with the contact who will bring us to the treasure. Once we're there, he'll be in charge. If we pull this off, we'll walk away with our biggest score to date."

"How much would that be in gold?" Chaleek asked, his voice low and gruff.

Taeyang's smile faltered. "I figure one hundred-fifty for full-fledged members, and fifty each for you newcomers and Ryo. He still owes from last adventure's advance."

"That doesn't seem fair."

The others seemed perfectly fine with the arrangement.

"Fair?" Taeyang scoffed. "When I was just starting out, the new guys had to be content with whatever they managed to loot."

Rocio and Candle-Eyes nodded in agreement.

"I don't—" Chaleek stopped when Jieun put her hand on his shoulder.

"Why did you run when the royal guard arrived?" she asked. "You pretended it was for our benefit, but you were bolting before you knew they were after us."

Rocio and the brothers turned to their leader. Candle-Eyes studied Jieun.

"We were given a job by a friend of the governor, but, when we returned with the prize, he refused to pay. We waited a week and, when he still refused, we stole the prize and some choice items from his trophy room." Taeyang shrugged. "We thought the authorities had warrants for our heads."

"Instead, they were after you," Candle-Eyes leaned forward, mimicking Taeyang.

Jieun made a show of looking at Chaleek who slowly nodded as if resigned to what was to come... just as Jelani and Kkachi had planned.

"We're spies," she said. "Well not real spies, but we found out something they desperately want to silence." She let the words hang in the air for a few moments, allowing their minds to fill the gap for her. "Princess Durumi is alive."

Candle-Eyes met Rocio's amused gaze and the two laughed.

"Is that it?" Taeyang leaned back, rubbing his stubbled chin. "Everyone knows she and her people were killed by the goblins, but, even if she wasn't, why would that be information worth hiding?"

"The reward," Chaleek answered.

Their body language didn't change, but The Prince had been taught to read people from the moment he could talk. The truth was in their eyes. They saw the bait.

"Lord Jun has a chest of gold and a plot of land for those who return his daughter to him." Jieun lowered her voice so that everyone had to lean in close to hear her words. "The official bounty hasn't been posted yet because he wants the notices to go up at the same time."

Chaleek nudged her with his elbow.

"They're waiting for some group of specialists to come back from the northern border before the offer is made public," he said. "At least that's the rumor Jieun overheard."

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