Chapter Fifteen: Labyrinth

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The walls were fifty feet of misshapen stone held together by black mortar. The Goblin King's castle sat atop a high peak miles away. The Labyrinth filled the span between high gates and distant fortress. The place vibrated with magical energies which Jieun felt when the walls were still a slash across the horizon. Fear and excitement warred within her, making it impossible to keep her breakfast down. A thousand goblins watched from a reverent distance as she knelt in the purple grass and puked.

General Asparagus offered a dirty rag for her mouth as their little group waited. They numbered five: Jieun, Jelani, Rocio, Asparagus, and the bushy-browed goblin from Jieun's dream. He'd met them as they crossed a stone bridge guarded by hulking trolls in chains. He'd excitedly danced for The General, informing her that the others were nearing the center of the maze and the ritual was soon to begin. The King would be pleased to add them to his collection.

He tapped a furry foot impatiently while Jelani fussed over Jieun.

"We must hurry or they will be late."

"They will be late regardless," Asparagus yawned. "If they survive the maze at all."

"You swore our safety on your feral name," Rocio cut in.

"I did and you've made it here safely, didn't you? If the King is in there, that is where you will go. What happens to you within is beyond my concerns or name."

"That is why we will take the shortcut," Bushy Brow explained.

"I call trickery!" Asparagus hissed.

In the distance, a goblin shouted, "Trickery!"

The countryside erupted in the chant.

"Everyone knows there is no shortcut to the center."

"Everyone is wrong, General." He grinned and waggled his singular eyebrow. "NO TRICKERY," he bellowed, quieting the mob.


"The King has shown me. That is why we are here." He gestured to the enormous gate running nearly to the top of the fifty foot wall.

"Are you okay?" Jelani asked.

"I'm fine. It's just a little too much excitement for me." Jieun's cheeks darkened as Rocio shook her head.

"I like you, Jieun, but I fear you lack the metal to be an adventurer. Are you sure you still wish to be a Kissing Heron?"

"If we survive this, I expect to be a full-fledged member." She smiled weakly, glad they couldn't feel the glittermoths in her stomach.

Jelani fingered the hilt of her sword as the two goblins spoke in whispered tones. She'd voiced multiple times how much she hated not being able to understand goblin, but it was only half as much as she hated that they'd never bothered to take her weapon. She ran her eyes up the massive wall.

"Are we really going in there?" she asked

Jieun followed her gaze. Despite her dreams and the words of the black foxes, her knees were weak and she doubted she could walk very far.

"If Durumi is in there, we owe it to her and ourselves to get her out."

"I'm all for royal gratitude and heaps of gold," Rocio put her arms across the women's shoulders, "but, if you two chose to run now, I'd be right behind you... though we'd never get past that horde."

As if they could hear them, a far off goblin whooped and cheered.

"Come on," Bushy Brow grunted.

They followed him to the massive gate. Instead of stopping, he moved along the wall for a span until he stood before a stone vaguely resembling an owl. The Prince loved birds and recognized the subtle carving immediately. Bushy Brow poked the creature in the eyes and it hooted before a section of wall receded, creating a small doorway.

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