Chapter Twelve: An Epic Fit for a Prince(ss)

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After hearing what the Black Fox had to say, Hanni had insisted that the troupe take five of the dead agents' mounts. She also demanded that they take someone to watch their backs. Sworn to secrecy by Prince Kkachi and worried the knowledge might threaten their safety, Hanni kept their true identities secret. As far as the world was concerned, Jieun and Chaleek held secret information that The Secret Police needed secured. Rocio didn't quite buy it, but she went along.

They found Candle-Eyes further up the road paralyzed by a spell of interwoven strands of air exactly where Hanni said he'd be. The spell was already dissipating.

"You okay, Candy?"



Candle-Eyes took in the new mounts and the addition to the troupe. Shin bowed.

"Fill me in on the way," he grumbled, grabbing his shortbow and joining Taeyang on his horse.

They rode south, recounting the events of the ambush. Candle-Eyes proved more angry that he missed an opportunity to fight secret police than he was being spotted and immobilized by sorcery. Finding out Jieun had taken out one of their attackers just soured his already foul mood. By the time the group stopped to water the horses and break their noon fast, he was snapping at everyone.

Shin stretched and fed his mount.

"You're the one who reported us to Captain Hanni," Jieun said, moving up beside him.

"Yes, Jieun. It was me."

"Don't say my name like that." She swatted at a fat dragonfly as it buzzed past her head. "Did you know from the start?"

"No. Your disguise is quite convincing. The Captain arrived the morning after your daring escape from the city."

Jieun blushed.

"During her briefing she provided a description of a beautiful common girl and I was surprised to realize I'd met her. We set out immediately to make up for lost time and begin searching. I didn't realize who you really were until this morning." He studied her then shifted his gaze to Chaleek who once again sparred with Taeyang. "The two of you are quite remarkable."

"So you had no inkling of our true identities?"

"No, your highness–"

"Jieun!" she hissed.

"Sorry. No, Jieun. I thought you were an exceptionally beautiful woman traveling with a handsome warrior."

Something about the way Shin said the last caught her attention. After a moment's contemplation, she laughed.

"You followed us that night because you were attracted to Chaleek."

Shin's cheeks darkened and he nodded.

"I don't blame you." Jieun moved closer to him, her eyes also drawn to the dance of swords. "There's something in the eyes. Fierceness and an earnest nature."

"Yes," Shin whispered.

When they returned to the road, high cliffs lined the horizon. Jieun's heart pounded with the gallop of her mount. Goblin country was a land of myth and monsters long before the first King on High claimed the High Throne. If its rulers had been willing to pledge their loyalties, it would have been the largest of The Lands of Gale. A place of many smaller nations and kings, it might have brought goblins, snakefolk, and giants to commingle with the realm's people. Unfortunately, the old rulers refused to bow and the new rulers seemed pleased to continue as things were. Goblins raided north, and the giants scourged the coasts on massive ships.

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