Special: Mishti's Letter

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Dear lifesaver,

You're supposed to read this after I'm gone.
And don't start bawling your eyes out, I'm not dead.....


You don't need to worry about that. That is why, I forced you to let me go. Consider this a parting gift.

Abir, I have been an incredible douchebag to almost everyone since my childhood. I thought it was because of some kind of puberty changes but no, it's in my DNA. I pretty much accepted it and didn't try to change myself for anyone. Until you.

It's not a bad thing that I had to be a different person around you. Because that different version of mine, was a better one. I found the empathy, kindness and the innocence that once tiny Mishti possessed. So I could be that fearless child with you, shooing away all worries, including that my legs were paralysed.

I kept on showering anger over you and even blamed you for my accident. It was such a horrible thing to do, now that I reckon. And I apologise. You made me realise that no matter what I do in furtherance, I cannot go back in time and repair my legs to save me from an eternity of misery. I know, bad luck.

But those miracles can happen in your stories. That is why, I urge you to write. Live your dream. Don't waste your Masters degree in English literature, just like that. I might not be your mom but I'm an Indian and I'm definitely disappointed that you're unemployed. So work out with your passion. Bring those imaginations into life. Make those readers curse you because of a cliffhanger.

Let them know that the reason of my existence is you. Let this world know that Mishti is alive, and took a chance towards life because of your stupid therapy sessions. Write about us. Write about what makes you stay awake at 2 AM. Write about our stupid arguments. Damn it, just keep writing something that makes you want to live.

Burn with those emotions, and hear your heart beat louder, each and every day. That's where we reside. That's where you'll keep us together, though physically, we'll be countries or continents apart.

I'm asking you to let me go, because I don't have the courage to do it. Honestly, I don't want to bind you to me. I cannot break your wings whilst asking you to fly. Therefore, I'm freeing you. You don't have to burden yourself with a crippled woman, who can't even get up to kick your ass for being an annoying human being.

Soar high, make moments, explore yourself, I'll be right beside you, holding your hand, walking with you.

And if we ever cross paths in the future, let's meet,
When Vega and Altair do.


Your troublemaker.

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