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Oxford Street,


Jiya is so much transfixed on the story, that she doesn't even notice the buzzing phone inside her backpocket. Excusing herself, she moves few steps away from Abir to answer the call. It was Harry.
"Is there a rat in the kitchen or was this just a reason to irritate me? If it's the second one Har, I'm going to strangle you while sleeping." Harry's chuckle makes her roll her eyes.
"Unfortunately love, it's neither. I just wanted to make sure you're safe and alright. It's been four hours since you left home." She likes it when he refers to their apartment as home.

"I'm so sorry I didn't notice the time. I'll be home soon, don't order pizza until I'm there." She warns and after receiving a positive response, hangs the call.
"You need to return. It's already dusk. I'm sorry I held you back for such a long time." Abir says as soon as she returns to him.
"No no. It's alright. Shall I give you a ride back home? Or-"
"It's fine. My brother will be here." Jiya nods. Hesitantly, she extends a hand forward and Abir grabs it, smiling that their friendship had bloomed. And Jiya starts to drive towards home, while Abir stands observing the retreating car.

He then walks over to the place, where he had stood, four years ago, back in 2020. He was heartbroken, his mind and soul shattered into pieces by the woman he loved. He had no clue about the future, or how he'd survive so many years to come without her. His eyes were filled with worry and exhaustion of his unstoppable mind, working over different scenarios, yet reaching the same conclusion everytime.

Now that he recognises the turmoil he was in, Abir smiles, proud of himself. He had made it. Publishing series of books, fighting for the castle's custody with Mishti's father, helping his brother and Kuhu raise Amisha, he had achieved everything he had promised that he would. And still, he feels hollow. A sense of emptiness.

An absence amidst the presence of everything that surrounds around him.

Kunal arrives quickly as he had informed, and the brothers venture to the local post office, to enquire about the letter. The first person to see it, Kuhu, wasn't available to contact since she had an urgent meeting in a branch of her company in the US. Thus the headache to solve this mystery was automatically transferred to the Rajvansh brothers.

"Bhai, I don't think this is a good idea. I don't know with what intention she had written the letter and how it was delivered without a prior notice, but-"
"Kunal, calm down. I've read it, haven't I? There's nothing that can harm your comp- I mean, Rajvansh industries." Abir replies, though fumbling for words. He does not have any agenda to hurt his brother, but Kunal was worrying for nothing.
"But you knew that she had inside information?" His question makes Abir look away.

"It was five years ago, Nanko. I think it's high time you let go your fears about her disclosing that information. Neither is she here, nor it will damage the company's image. It is about our mother and the whole of London corporate knows what she had to do in order to gain her part of the share." Kunal halts the car suddenly, widening his eyes at the incoherent words that his brother had uttered.
"Now that Maa is no more doesn't mean you can disrespect her, bhai. You never did respect her when she was alive. Atleast now-"
"Are you done? I have an important appointment." Kunal grumbles.

"You're hurt, bhai. When you get back to your senses, you'll realise why I showed concern about this piece of paper that holds more importance to you, than our mother's dignity." Abir gets off, without reacting to that comment of his brother's.
He keeps walking until he has reached the Marble Arch. The place held a special memory in his heart. It was quite late when he had arrived, so the evening sun rays were disturbing his eyes.

He looks around to spot a bench and sits on it. Heaving a heavy sigh, he remembers the incident he had kept from Jiya.

Even from Mishti.


St.Claret's hospital, UK.

"Do you know anything about paraplegia and it's effects?" Thomas, the dean doctor questions Abir. After over hearing Mishti and Akshara's conversation, he wanted to get a few clarifications from the doctor. About injections, medications, and everything. He needed to know every detail. And Akshara wouldn't provide them without conducting a third degree interrogation, he knew of that too. That is why he sought Thomas, with the help of Radhika, Mishti's mother.

"I do not. And that is why we're having this conversation instead of me researching through google." He quipped. And now he understood how badly Mishti had rubbed off on him.
"Alright, young man. Then let me explain in medical terms." Thomas's reply made him grimace.
"Just give me the crux. I'll try to do a deeper study when I go home." He said to which the older man agreed.
"What Ms.Mishti has undergone is termed as Flaccid paraplegia. Which means she can not move even a muscle below her spinal cord region." He began.

"Since her intention unknowingly, as an actress was to save her face from the accident, she suffered a complete injury on her back. That resulted in a damage so deep, her legs cannot function. Ever." Thomas removed his spectacles, while Abir listened to him intently.
"But that's not the end?" His question made Thomas look at him with dread.
"Guessed it right, son. Her bowel movements, as well as breathing is heavily effected because of the nerves that are dead. She is sensitive to foods, places and the air around her as well. Her blood pressure isn't like everyone, and that is why, she keeps getting mild strokes now and then." He explained.

"Daily injections to increase her immunity, as well as medications are being prescribed by her personal caretaker, as you know. But there's no treatment in this world that can cure her condition." Thomas sighed.
"Something has to work now! Physiotherapy, yoga, anything!" Abir frantically pointed out.
"Nothing can reverse the accident, Mr.Rajvansh. Please do not fret over it-"
"I will. It's my right. What about the surgery Akshara was suggesting? Won't it work?" He interrupted. Thomas sighed, starting to get annoyed.

"That is, well it's called, lesion surgery. Regions in an organ or tissue where the damage is caused, we focus on that. And in this case, the spinal cord is already sensitive and the risk is high. We might cause damage to her upper body if we conduct the procedure. We have to remove those lesions-"
"Will it help her?" Abir again interrupted.
"It will reduce the involuntary muscle spasms and swelling. She will experience a lesser fraction of pain, that's it." He concluded.
"Then do it." Abir declared, looking at Thomas firmly.

"I need Mrs.Maheshwari's consent, as her guardian. And doctor Akshara's too, since she's the caregiver. The primary concern is Ms.Mishti-"
"You don't need to worry, doc. I'll do all the convincing. Please let me know a good date." Abir's smile matched the intensity of the doctor's scowl.
"Why are you overlooking the damage that this could cause to her?" He questioned.
"Because she was once a person who loved life, doc. Now she despises it. I want to restore that hope. Not wholly, but atleast a part of it." His answer made Thomas smile.
"What are you to her, son?" Abir reciprocated the grin.

"Someone who wants her to curse at him for the rest of their lives."


Abir looks at the letter and smiles, caressing it. The content equally made him grieve. He couldn't understand back then, why Mishti had to do it, though she had mentioned the reason. But now, at the moment, he does.

He wholeheartedly knows the situation and her state of mind. Because he has experienced it too.

The pain of letting go what you loved.

Her pain.

To be continued

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