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Pembroke Castle, UK.

Mishti sighed, adjusting her dress again. She was a nerve wreck. Why shouldn't she be! It was her first themed party, that she had organised on her own. All of the Hollywood was invited. And this location was perfect since it was far from London, the busy city. It was supposed to be a peaceful retreat so it was tailor made. They were 6 hours away from the capital and the guests were escorted in a chartered flight.

By the time the party commenced, the guests were all received warmly, by her and her mother. Her father seemed distant because of the argument right before the evening, so she let him be. He'd come around, Mishti thought. So smiling at him from afar, she nodded as her father reciprocated with a nod of his own. But she did not know, things had already worsened between him and her mother. Deep down, Mishti might have known, but that night was hers to celebrate so she didn't dwell on it much.

And then came the Rajvanshs, their business rival. Mishti put on her best and invited them in, eyeing both Kunal and Abir. She knew Kunal was a catch but the elder one, seemed intriguing. Curious even. Therefore, she personally took a flute of champagne and went over to him.

"Would you like it?" She asked, as Abir turned back to look at her.
"Oh! I only drink when I'm alone. Mom would kill me otherwise." He chuckled awkwardly and she smiled, nodding, though she didn't understand why a grown adult would resort to his mother's opinion over such a trivial issue at a social occassion.
"Well, do you like the venue?" Her mind was blank and she had an urge to continue talking to him.
"Ah, classic. It is very 80s coded. Spacious. Screams old money-"
"I guess that suffices. Enjoy the evening." He stopped talking altogether.

Mishti rolled her eyes, noticing he was actually awkward and didn't wanted to be there in the first place. So instead of wasting her focus on a boring person, she walked towards other guests, who required her attention. And that evening, changed the trajectory of their lives as Kunal took the initiative of friendship, while Abir stood somewhere, behind the curtains, watching them hit off with each other.

Maybe that's how it was meant to be, he thought.

Well, destiny certainly had other plans.



"What has gotten into you! We're supposed to be in college by- wait! 18 minutes ago! Har I swear if you're drunk-"
"Love, calm down. It's just literature class. We can watch the recording later! And you were the one who wasn't ready because you were annoyed that Abir didn't answer the call." Jiya glares at him. It was true, he hadn't picked her phone or had replied to her texts, so she was practically fuming.
"I don't know what's up with him! Do guys have PMS too?" Harry shakes his head.
"Then why do you act like you do!" She irritatingly exhales, looking outside the car window.

"Relax. You want to go to the service?" He asks, knowing it was a wrong time to bring it up, but they needed to apply for a leave as soon as possible if she did decide to attend.
"Honestly, I'd rather sit at home and drown in sorrow. But he's my dad, after all. He deserves that much respect." Harry nods, holding her hand whilst changing the gear.
"I'm sure your aunt wouldn't understand if you're absent. She'd throw a fit again. And all of that doesn't matter if you don't want to go." Jiya smiles, leaning in to kiss his cheek.

"It's alright. I rinsed my mouth after breakfast." He chuckles and turns his head to do the same, but suddenly, they're too close. Their breaths mingle, heavy and anticipating. At the same time, Harry halts the car as they had reached the college parking lot. Both don't get out, because of the tension that lingers.
"You know you can talk to me about anything right?" Jiya asks, worried.
"I know, love. That's what drives me bonkers because no matter how much courage I muster, I seem to falter to say those words to you." He connects their foreheads.

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