Chapter 20. Back To Sneaking Around.

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Everything seemed so much more brighter than what they were a few days ago, the sun seemed to shine more everyday, the skies were more blue than ever and even more flowers of every single colour appeared around her. Since the day at Madame Delacroix's dress shop Amelia seemed to be even more happier, she was smiling more and even her laughter was louder. Luckily her family never seemed to notice apart from one person and of course that had to be Phoebe, she always seemed to notice everything when it came to Amelia hiding things. Amelia felt a little bit bad that she had never told her sister what had happened but she didn't really know who she could trust these days. She really did want to trust her siblings with anything and everything inside of her but with Mrs Phillips hanging around them like a hawk it had become hard to do that. From across the parlour Phoebe kept throwing glances at her younger sister, it was just the two of them in the room but neither of them said anything. Well that was until Phoebe couldn't take the silence anymore and would begin to interrogate Amelia, which Amelia was expecting.

''I've noticed something different about you... Last week you were locked in your room, crying your eyes out, sobbing and letting your heart smash into a thousand pieces over Benedict Bridgerton. Today you are all smiles and happiness seems to be radiating off you, has something happened that you are not telling me about?'' Phoebe asked in a accusing but also gentle tone, she was sat on one of the window seats doing some emboidery.

Amelia placed her book down on her lap and let out a soft sigh as she looked over at her sister, she felt a little bit frustrated because she was getting to the good romantic part in her book. Now she had to think about what she was going to say? Could she really confess about her and Benedict?

''Maybe I have just gotten over the heartbreak and learned to accept that Ireland is now going to be my reality.. I may aswell be happy and just live in the moment.'' Amelia replied, trying to keep the smile on her face as she lied, which obviously Phoebe knew she was lying, of course she did.

''Why don't I believe you right now? You were head over heels in love with this man, he made you the happiest while you were together. Trust me, when you love someone like that you can't get over them after a few weeks, the only way that can happen is if you didn't really love him. Unless....'' Phoebe paused as she stared at her young sister like she was trying to figure something out. Her eyes would open up wide as she continued to speak again. ''Are you two secretly courting again? Amelia, if you are then it's a bad idea, who knows what mother will do when she finds out especially since the wedding is around the corner.''

''Which is why mother isn't going to find out? Phoebe, I know you are only looking out for me and I really appreciate that but I want to experience freedom even if it's just for the last few minutes that I have left with Benedict. I am about to be trapped in a marriage and a place that I don't want to be in, this is the only time that I can be happy and love someone who I want to love for the last time before we say goodbye. Please just don't say anything, I can't deal with anymore arguing especially with mother.'' Amelia let out a sigh after she had stopped speaking, she just hoped that Phoebe would understand and could keep the secret.

''I just don't want you getting hurt again, it was hard to see you locked in your room everyday and everynight and hearing the sounds of you crying, I don't want you going through that again. You seem to forget that my bedroom is right next door to yours and I can hear everything.'' Phoebe replied as concern showed inside of her eyes, this was why Amelia didn't want to tell her sister in the first place, she didn't want to feel bad about the decision that she had made, she didn't want to regret seeing Benedict in secret again.

What if Phoebe was right though? What if all of this was a mistake and she wasn't doing the right thing right now? What more punishment could Mrs Phillips give to her daughter? Amelia felt like she had been punished another, unless she was going to be sent into the military as well. Her mind was now starting to play tricks on her, she couldn't be thinking about these things right now. She wanted to enjoy the time that she had left with Benedict, even if it was just for a short moment, she was never going to see him again and she didn't want to be invaded with the what if's for the rest of her life. She knew that her sister was just looking out for her and she really appreciated that but maybe Phoebe didn't understand after all, she wasn't in the same position as Amelia and she never would be. Phoebe was the favourite child that had never once stepped foot out of line, apart from her secret fling how mother would react if she knew about that?

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