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The sound of the horses hooves tapping against the dirt and gravel of the road could be heard throughout the carriage filling the awkward silence between the three women that was sitting inside of the carriage. It didn't help that the sun was shining down and through the carriage windows almost blinding the youngest Phillips woman, Amelia. Whenever you read a story book they always prepare you for saying goodbye to a family member or the person that you love and swore that you would spend the rest of your life with, what they never prepare you for is saying goodbye to your childhood home, a home that you spent years at and you had become so familiar with, a home that was your happy place. It was now starting to feel like that everything that once made Amelia happy was slowly being taken away from her and she didn't really understand why. She had loved living in the country side waking up to the sound of chickens and cows every morning and then falling asleep to the sound of the stream that was at the back of their family cottage. She didn't understand why she had to say goodbye to it all and leave it all behind just to go live in a bigger house in a noisy city. 

''I think it's wonderful that we are moving into the city, think about all of the balls that we will be invited to and all of the suitors that are out there and waiting for me.'' Amelia's sister Pheobe exclaimed loudly and rather excitedly making Amelia jump slightly in her seat. ''Lia, aren't you excited?! The best part about all of it is that we will be living across the road from the Bridgerton's, I have heard so much about that family especially the men.'' Amelia was about to open her mouth and answer but she was cut off by her mother answering for her which made her roll her brown eyes. 

''Of course Amelia is excited why wouldn't she be? It's a fresh start for all of us especially you girls, think about all of the new people that you will both meet and Pheobe is right think about the balls. Now, I know that this season is all about you Pheobe and finding the perfect suitor for for you to settle down with but I also want this season to be about you too, Amelia. I want you to practice being social and friendly for next year when the next season will begin. Now I need the both of you to be on your best behavior and Amelia please don't embarrass our family name to the neighbours, we need to fit into this town perfectly.'' Mrs Phillips gave her daughter Amelia a soft glare almost like saying if you step one foot out of line then you will be severly punished. Amelia had seen this look a million times and all it made her want to do was rebel even more than what she used to. 

''Oh, mother. Please would you just calm down? I promise that I will be on my best behavior and I won't make a fool out of myself and out of our family. We already spoke about this when we left the house, aren't we supposed to be forgetting what happened? I will be the lady and the princess that you have always wanted me to be but I am only doing this just this once. Now I think I see father which means we must be at our destination so let's just forget what happened last year and start fresh, just like you want so badly.'' Amelia tried her best to keep her voice soft but she couldn't help but to let there be some harshness in there, it seemed like Pheobe and Mrs Phillips noticed the harshness too as the carriage became awkward but also tense with silence once again. 

Last year Amelia had found herself in a little fling with the local farmers son, the kind of people that the Phillips family had always looked down on, especially because the farmers wasn't the most wealthiest people in the village. Last summer Amelia had found herself sneaking out just to meet Lucas, even though she didn't want to fall in love, she couldn't help but to develop some certain feelings for the other man. He was mischevious and filled with so much humour which made her want to get to know him more. Lucas happened to be Amelia's first kiss and her first time doing sexual activities, she felt like she was in heaven and like she had finally found her happy place. She felt like Lucas was the only person that could understand her even though they had very different lives but at the same time they had one thing in common and that was they were both lonely in this huge world, the only thing that they had was each other. Eventually Amelia couldn't help but to fall for the man that she was not supposed to fall in love with, she fell for the farmers son and in her mind it was a risk worth taking. 

Illicit Affairs. [Benedict Bridgeton.]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora