Chapter Twelve. The next step.

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When Amelia had first met the Bridgerton's she never thought that she would be sittng in a beautiful garden drinking tea, eating biscuits and talking about the most random things with Lady Danbury and Mrs Bridgerton but here she was and she was feeling the most content and relaxed that she had ever felt. Lady Danbury was a perculiar old fashioned woman, she believed that every young girl had to dance with a young man at every single ball. Amelia remembered the first ball that her family had hosted when they first moved, she was sure that she could see Lady Danbury trying to get some of the young females to dance with some of the young men. Maybe she was the one that persuaded Benedict to dance with Amelia that first time, if she was then Amelia would have to thank her at some point. She could see herself getting along with Lady Danbury just fine, she just had to try and not to get on the older woman's bad side, apparently she can erupt like a dragon if you step out of the line.

Of course as always Mrs Bridgerton was as polite as ever, Amelia felt like she had grown a lot more closer to Benedict's mother, like she could look at Mrs Bridgerton like a motherly figure who would never judge and who wasn't always strict. She had been lovely towards Amelia since the moment that they had met, Benedict and the rest of the Bridgerton children were lucky to have a mother like her and for some reason that made Amelia feel a little bit jealous. She had promised both of the women that she would join them for tea again another night as they all started to get ready to leave. Amelia was in a hurry to go and meet Benedict inside of his bedroom, she hoped that she could get in there before her mother went back to her room after dinner. 

Just like the past few nights Phoebe hadn't come out of her bedroom for dinner Mrs Bridgerton was more concerned than the sisters's own mother. Mrs Bridgerton had called for one of the maids to take some food upstairs and to the bedroom that Phoebe and Amelia was staying in. Amelia was starting to feel a little bit bad knowing that she wouldn't be there to comfort Phoebe through her current heartbreak but she couldn't stay in that room for another night, listening to the sounds of her older sister sobbing into a pillow and not realising that she was keeping her youngest sister awake at night. Amelia had no idea what she was going to do or even how she was going to fix this situation, she didn't even know if she could fix this but she still wanted to get to the bottom of everything. She was starting to have her suspicions about James, something just didn't feel right about him and this whole situatuion. Nothing had been reported about a war starting back up in France as far as anyone knew everything seemed peaceful over there including in Paris. At first Amelia didn't think anything of the excuse that James had to go back to France until recently when Anthony mentioned something about France at the dinner table. For now Amelia shook all of those thoughts away the only thing that should matter to her right now was the fact that her and Benedict was about to spend their very first night together and the excitement started to build up once again. 

Once Amelia had gotten onto the same corridor that her mothers, Collin's and Benedict's room were her eyes would look around as she wondered which bedroom door belonged to her lovers. After a few moments her eyes seemed to notice a door at the end of the hallway that was open just a little bit, a light from a lamp was shining through the little crack. Slowly she walked over to that door, she looked around making sure that nobody or even her mother was nowhere nearby, she opened the door and made sure to close it behind her quietly. Benedict was sitting on a stool a easle infront of him, he seemed to be concentrating on a painting that he was currently creating. Quietly Amelia sneaked up behind him with a huge smile on her face, one of the things that made her fall in love with him was the passion that he had for painting and how excited he always got when his eyes would look at some of the most beautiful paintings in the world. 

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