xxi; the deadline

Start from the beginning

"Mate, that's exactly what you need then!" He grinned. "You just need to snog someone else!"

"Why would that help anything? That would only piss her off." I scoffed, rolling my eyes at him.

"If you snog someone else, you'll have more experience and then you won't be so nervous around her anymore!" Ron said, bouncing excitedly as he walked.

"Have you snogged anyone then, Ron?" I asked, and he quickly froze in his tracks, his mouth falling open.

"Well... no. But that's what Fred told me. He's snogged loads of girls." Ron shrugged, trying to cover his tracks.

"Yeah, believing Fred is definitely a good option." I scoffed, rolling my eyes at him as I continued to walk.

"You've gotta do something, mate. Before someone else does." He muttered quietly, pointing down to the end of the hall.

Jupiter and Diggory were walking together down the corridor, talking happily about something. She was admiring him with the same big eyes I had accidentally seen when I walked in on the two of them in the library. I felt my blood boiling as my feet stopped below me. I couldn't pull my gaze away from the sight, as painful as it was. I wondered if they had snogged before. That's probably why she was so good at it, because she had already done it before.

"Come on, Harry." Ron said, grabbing my shoulder to pull me away.

"What does she see in him, anyways? He's in third place." I grumbled, forcefully moving my feet after Ron.

"I mean, he's Cedric Diggory, so there's that." Ron shrugged.

"Yeah?" I scoffed. "Well, I'm Harry Potter."



"Were you just walking with Cedric?"

Hermione ran up behind me as I walked through the hall. I had just said goodbye to Cedric, who left to head down to the dungeons where the Hufflepuff common room was. It was the first time we had seen each other since the tent, so I was just congratulating him on doing so well. He began to badger me about the dance, to which I didn't give him an answer. Cedric was lovely, and yes, extremely attractive, but if there was even a chance of Harry asking me, I couldn't take that risk. I nodded shyly, and she took me by the shoulders and shook me.

"What about Harry?!" She yelled frantically.

"What about Harry?" I scoffed, crossing my arms at her. "He still hasn't asked me to the ball."

"He's probably just scared, Jove." She sighed, letting go of me as we continued to walk.

"Yeah, well, he wasn't very scared when he kissed me." I muttered under my breath, and Hermione's mouth fell open.

"WHY AM I JUST NOW HEARING ABOUT THIS?" She yelled, causing people in the corridor to turn and give us odd, judgmental looks.

"Bloody hell, Hermione!" I hissed, shoving her slightly. "Keep it down!"

"No! You didn't tell me he confessed to you, and now, you don't tell me that he kissed you?" She scoffed, her eyebrows furrowing in frustration. "Are we not close anymore?"

"What? Hermione, no." I groaned, pushing her to a bench on the wall of the crowded corridor. "I was scared to say anything because I didn't know if it actually was anything. I wanted to talk to him about it first, before I told anyone else."

"Jove, of course it was something." She said softly, rolling her eyes. "Harry is mad for you, you know that right?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

Jupiter | Harry James PotterWhere stories live. Discover now