xii ; snow-covered secrets

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I sat with Hermione and Ron outside the pub, just waiting to see the familiar footprints in the snow. The thought of what they were saying was eating me alive, and I was a little hurt that Harry didn't let me go with him.

Suddenly, the door flew open and we saw the footprints start to trail off down the street. We immediately got off of our bench and followed him. We apologized to the group of carolers he pushed over on our way.

Eventually, after a lot of running, the footsteps came to an end.

"Harry?" I asked as we slowly approached a rock and heard small sobs. No response. Hermione reached out and pulled the cloak off of him.

"Harry, what happened?" Hermione asked softly. His green eyes were puffy and red.

"He was their friend. And he betrayed them." He cried. "He was their friend!"

"What'd they say about me? Fudge said my name." I asked. I felt a bit bad, but I had to know. It was eating me alive. Harry pulled his eyes from the snow and looked into mine. He stayed silent for a moment, like he was fighting a battle with himself.

"I-I'm not sure. I ran out before they said anything about you. I'm sorry." He admitted. My heart turned to lead.

"It's okay." I sighed, sitting on the rock next to him. He looked at me for only a moment longer before his sadness started to turn to anger.

"I hope he finds me. Cause when he does, I'm going to be ready. When he does, I'm going to kill him."


"Jove! Wake up!" Hermione's voice rang as she shook me awake. I grumbled and rolled over, blocking the white sunlight from pouring into my eyes. "It's Christmas!"

I shot up.

There was a small heap of presents near the foot of my bed. Hermione had a bit more from her parents. We were the only girls in our dorm over the holidays. Usually it was just me.

Mrs. Weasley was the only person I would get presents from, but I didn't mind. I was grateful to get any at all. She had sent me another scarlet sweater with the letter J knitted into the front. I quickly slipped it over my head. I noticed that Hermione already had her sweater on. Mrs. Weasley's sweaters were never the most comfortable, but when you got one you couldn't help but wear it.

She had also sent me a dozen home-baked mince pies, some Christmas cake, and a box of nut brittle.

Just as Hermione and I finished unwrapping our presents, we heard a great bunch of laughter coming from the boys dorms.

"What're you two laughing about?" Hermione asked as we threw the door to their dorm open. She was carrying Crookshanks in her arms.

"Don't bring him in here!" Ron groaned as he hurriedly snatched Scabbers from the depths of his bed and stowed him in his pocket.

"Woah! Harry, is that the Firebolt?" I gasped, ignoring Ron and running over to the broom Harry was holding. He forced me to look at that stupid broom so many times that I had it memorized.

"Who sent you that?" Hermione asked, ignoring Ron as well.

"No idea." Harry shrugged. "There wasn't a card or anything." He was holding the piece of wood in his hands like it was the most fragile thing in the world.

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