xlix ; pinky promises

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thank you so much for 4k, i appreciate every read i get, even if it's just reading the first sentences of the prologue then deciding it's trash! atleast they found the cover interesting 💪. anyways on a more serious note, i am so grateful for everyone who comments, votes, reads, all of that because it really makes my day when i see people engaging in my work! love all of you!!


February 26th, 1995

   "You're staring." Hermione whispered to me, nudging me in the side subtlety. I quickly sat up straight, pulling my eyes from Harry who was sitting on the opposite of our Charms desk. Harry had been telling me, Ron and Hermione about his encounter with Snape and Moody last night after he went to the Prefect's Bathroom with the egg.

I wasn't sure if it was the way the light from the windows hit him, how he was running his hands through his hair stressfully, or my decision to urgently lose all feelings for him, but I felt like I was back in third year.

I wanted to punch myself for these plaguing thoughts, because in the past weeks, Cedric had filled my life with more positivity and happiness than Harry had done in the past year. I didn't need to rely on Harry anymore. I didn't need to stare at him, not when I had an older, smarter, 'perfecter' boyfriend.

"Harry, you said you'd already worked out that egg clue!" Hermione hissed, ending my train of thought.

"Keep your voice down!" Harry said crossly. "I just need to... sort of fine-tune it, all right?"

"What did the egg say?" I asked, flicking my wand at the stack of cushions we were supposed to be practicing banishing spells on across from me. It went flying and hit the wall behind it, exploding into a pile of feathers. "Whoops."

"Just forget the egg for a minute, all right?" Harry hissed as someone accidentally banished Professor Flitwick, who went whizzing resignedly past us, landing on top of a large cabinet. "I'm trying to tell you about Snape and Moody..."

"I was coming back after figuring out the clue, and I saw someone on the map in Snape's office. Peeves made me drop my egg since I was distracted, and Filch found it so naturally, Snape had to come snoop around with his greasy hair and try to take it. But then Moody came, and used his eye to look through my cloak and he got it back for me. They really got into it once Snape accused me of being out of bed, and Moody said he searched Snape's office."

"Moody's searched his office as well?" Ron whispered, his eyes alight with interest as he banished a cushion with a sweep of his wand (it soared into the air and knocked Parvati's hat off). "What... d'you reckon Moody's here to keep an eye on Snape as well as Karkaroff?"

"Well, I dunno if that's what Dumbledore asked him to do, but he's definitely doing it," Harry shrugged, waving his wand without paying much attention, so that his cushion did an odd sort of belly flop off the desk. "Moody said Dumbledore only lets Snape stay here because he's giving him a second chance or something."

"What?" Ron asked, his eyes widening, his next cushion spinning high into the air, ricocheting off the chandelier, and dropping heavily onto Flitwick's desk. "Harry... maybe Moody thinks Snape put your name in the Goblet of Fire!"

I let out a small snort as I boredly made my cushion float above the tables and do several spins. "Weasley, surely you can't be that thick."

"Shove off, Black." Ron said, knocking the cushion he was banishing into mine.

"Oh Ron," Hermione sighed, shaking her head sceptically, "we thought Snape was trying to kill Harry before, and it turned out he was saving Harry's life, remember?" She banished a cushion and it flew across the room and landed in the box we were all supposed to be aiming at.

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