xlvii ; the black lake

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    Jupiter's head emerged from the water, her eyes forcefully pried open by the freezing temperature that flooded inside her veins. She took her first breath in several hours, her lungs cold and slow.

Whilst under the spell, she had been plagued by her first nightmare in months. Once again, Tom Riddle had forced her to see his brutal abuse of muggles from his eyes.

Before she could even begin to think about her malicious dream, she looked around for Harry. Instead, she saw the same small, blonde girl from inside Professor McGonagall's office appear above the water next to her. She grabbed Fleur's sister by the arm and began to swim as fast as she could to the dock full of cheering students.

She lifted the Delacour up onto the ladder, then she felt herself be pulled up by two hands.

"Jove, are you alright?" Ron's blurry voice asked her once she stood on the crowded deck. He wrapped a towel around her wet shoulders.

"Where's Harry?" She asked, her mind still cloudy from the dream she had been put through only a moment before.

"He's still down there..." Ron muttered, his eyes going back to the freezing lake. Just as he spoke, something came flying out of the lake and landed on the dock with a loud 'thud.' People scrambled around the figure, and once his face came into view, Jupiter felt a large sigh of relief escape her lips.

Harry was lying on the wood, coughing up spouts of water as two gills faded from the sides of his neck. Dumbledore quickly rushed to his side as Seamus Finnegan covered him in a towel. Dumbledore whispered something to Harry, then took off towards the judges table.

"You! You saved my little sister!" Fleur Delacour gasped, reaching Harry in the center of the crowd before Jupiter could. She kissed him on both cheeks, admittedly causing small bits of jealousy to fill Jupiter's  head, then stood up and turned to Jupiter. "You helped!" She gushed as she did the same to Jupiter, then rushed over to her little sister.

"Harry!" Jupiter breathed, finally being able to get to Harry, who was still shuddering from the freezing water. He was covered in bleeding scars and bruises, and his hair was causing droplets of water to run down his glasses. "You're alright!"

Before Harry could even get a word out, Jupiter engulfed him in a giant hug. "Ow!" He yelped.

Jupiter quickly pulled away. "I'm sorry-"

Harry cupped her by both of her freezing cheeks and kissed her. Despite the extremely low temperature of his lips and hands, the kiss still felt as warm as ever. All thoughts of her dream and fears of the lake had been washed away. The sounds of loud wolf-whistles and cheering emerged from the crowd around them, causing them both to quickly pull away.

"You're okay?" Harry said, still keeping his hands firmly on her cheeks.

"I'm okay." She repeated, looking straight into his watery green eyes.

"Brilliant," he huffed before taking a much-needed deep breath. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Jupiter felt her mouth fall open and her head go blank. She couldn't find any words, due to the blatant emotion of pure shock.


Dumbledore's booming voice pulled both of their focus away from the other before Jupiter could respond. "The winner is... Mr. Diggory!"

The crowd was engulfed by cheers and celebrations as the people around Diggory all hugged him, including Cho Chang, who was still soaking wet.

"However, seeing as Mr. Potter would've finished first had it not been for his determination to rescue not only Ms. Black, but the others as well, we've agreed to award him second place for outstanding moral fiber!"

Jupiter | Harry James PotterWhere stories live. Discover now