Chapter : 5 - A friend.

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Revika Shastri

I was utterly annoyed at the kind of behavior that guy exhibited. It was so disrespectful. I reached at Anamikas desk and knocked on the tables surface. She was engrossed in a file. She suddenly looked up with a slight panic on her face, I startled her. She calmed down at the sight of me in front of her. Revika! Youre early? she said, more like questioned. Umm yeah, I have a meeting after lunch and was free a little early, so, I thought if you were too then we should go to lunch early. I replied.

Anamika smiled a beautiful smile and nodded her head twice. Sure, let me wrap this up and we can leave, I believe Gurmeet and Mr. Rajput just left too, she said. She was the only person in the entire building that was employed under Mr. Randhawa, but could still call him by his first name. I heard the associates talking about it earlier, they believed that they were both in a secret office romance, but, I didnt. I saw the way Anamika looked at Gurmeet, sure, there was admiration, she looked up to him, but I dont think that they could be in love.

Mr. Randhawa may be very kind and respectful, amiable even, but he was very strict with workplace protocol and him being involved in office romance was beyond the imagination of my brain. Anamika and I left for lunch. She took me to a restaurant that she said had the best dishes in all cuisines. She was extremely excited to have lunch there and I was glad I could treat her at a place she was this excited to eat.

We proceeded to have a few dishes and talk more about ourselves and about some office incidents Anamika had seen over the years that were extremely hilarious. I realized she was 3 years older than me. She didnt look her age and she was definitely young spirited for me to have guessed. I guess I finally made a friend.

Vardaan Singh Rajput

I watched her leave and make her way to Anamika's desk. Anamika was Gurmeet's secretary, he never talked about her to me and I knew better than to ask him about it. At work we were all proffesional, but she could be a pain outside of work. If Gurmeet closed off about something, the only reason he did was because he didnt want to or couldnt share what happened, so, it was better not to pester him about it. He would come around eventually.

Just as the elevator door was closing a hand from beside me rushed to try and keep it open, I turned to see Gurmeet. I was lost in my train of thoughts enough to not realize his presence. Kahaan khoya hai yaar? Gurmeet asked me, I sighed and shook my head as I walked into the elevator. Gurmeet followed me in and we left.

Meeting that girl again was something I never thought of, I didnt think I would ever see her again after her episode in the elevator. She worked at this law firm meaning she must be extremely qualified, getting into the interview alone was proof she was a good candidate and being hired meant she had impressed Gurmeet. I texted my agent, I told him to get me the details of this girl.

I told myself, I was only doing it because she seemed suspicious and that it was just a to be sure check as she worked for Gurmeet and I, as a very helpful friend, wanted to protect him and the firm he had built from the ground.

"Hai kya ye jo tere mere darmiyaan hai, andekhi ansuni koi dastan hai.


You guys will know more about Gurmeet, Anamika and Vardaan's connection to each other in future chapters.
I hope you enjoy reading!

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