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I tried to be pretty for you,
I really did,
I tried so hard,
I tried so very, very hard.

I tried to be beautiful for you,
I tried to be beautiful even when I was at my ugliest,
I tried to be beautiful, yes, even then.

I tried to be pretty for you,
I put in extra effort and extra care,
I put on extra makeup and extra clothes,
I put on my best self for you.

I tried to be pretty for you,
And I failed,
And my efforts were wasted,
And my attempts fell flat,
And your opinion of me did not change,
And I still wasn't good enough.

And for that,
I can't forgive myself,
And I can't forgive you either,
Because you never noticed my efforts.

Because you didn't care enough to notice,
Or you didn't care enough to give praise,
Or you didn't care enough to give hope.

So now,
I'm left here with a broken heart,
I'm left here with a broken self,
I'm left here with a broken sense of self-worth,
And I'm left here,
All alone.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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