Chapter 18

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Kim's Residence:

Narrator's POV:


A loud slap echoed through the entire Kim mansion, startling some servants while others remained unfazed. There was a deafening silence for a moment, then a loud, shrill feminine voice was heard.


Taehyung remained silent with his head bent down in front of the woman. She kept scolding him, and he listened without making a sound or moving. His face was completely blank.

The woman didn't stop for a second with her scolding; her expressions grew angrier with each passing moment

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The woman didn't stop for a second with her scolding; her expressions grew angrier with each passing moment. Seeing Taehyung not reacting only fueled her anger further. She forcefully grabbed his shoulders and shouted in his face.

"Are you even listening to me? HUH?"

He still didn't make eye contact. Instead, his eyes were fixed on the lavish maroon carpet beneath his bare feet, which felt soft compared to the harsh words bestowed upon him by his mother. This act infuriated her even more. She harshly let him go and turned away.

"Just wait till your father arrives. I'll make sure he reprimands you for your useless acts and for ignoring me."

With that, she left, stomping her foot on the white glistening marble as she went. The sound of her expensive red high heels echoed throughout the almost silent mansion. She sat in her luxurious car and drove away to somewhere unknown to Taehyung. She never tells him.

Taehyung stood still, barefoot on the carpet. He remained silent, contrasting with his cheerful persona in front of his friends. Finally, a lone tear escaped his eye, which he quickly wiped away. Then he looked around him, at his extravagant mansion, which lacked nothing. A lot of servants at his beck and call, all the luxuries he could ask for. Belonging to a lineage of a secondary branch of the royal family of Korea, he never had to worry about anything. Anything he desired was his. Kim Taehyung was not only respected but also always the center of attention, loved by everyone, especially his hyung and friends.

But not by his own parents, which shattered his heart every day. They only pretended to love him in front of the world and his hyung, but they didn't truly love him, and he knew it well. Why? He asked this question every day when he woke up. Why couldn't they love him? He tried to do everything for them, to make them happy, to make them proud. So why? The only thing he did that they didn't like was being himself. But could he blame himself for that? Could he blame himself for trying to live and enjoy himself? Was it that bad?

These thoughts roamed around in his mind every day. The only time he felt free from them was when he was with 'them' - those who were like a home to him. They pretended not to like his ideas but still became part of his plans. They never tried to change him or ask anything from him. Their simple living was the most luxurious to him. Their ramyeon and tteokbokki were the tastiest dishes compared to the delicacies here that now tasted bland to him. Their small living space was cozier to him than this big but empty palace. They were the home he always craved and had now found. Now he didn't want to let it go.

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