Chapter 3 - Takashi's House

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'Takashi Chang? Are you kidding me right now?' Caitlyn texted me back.

'No, why?'

'First you say you want us to help you get a boyfriend without giving you a makeover and now you pick Takashi? Do I need to remind you that we're humans, not wizards?'

I had a feeling she was going to say something like that.

"But I thought the almighty Caitlyn could make anything happen? Nothing's impossible for you. Isn't that what you always say?"

'Yeah well, I don't have magical powers. I'm not a genie in a lamp. I mean, Takashi's ideal for sure, but can't you pick somebody a little more realistic?'

'Like who?'

It took a few minutes before I finally got a text back. She must have been thinking really hard.

'What about Ben Miller, the president of the chess club? Or Montgomery Wiseman, the captain of the golf team? There's also that one guy on the field hockey team. He doesn't play. He just manages. I think his name is Justin Grayson or something like that."

The three guys she named were all really unattractive and on top of that, they were all kind of creepy and weird. I knew I wasn't the greatest catch, but was that really the best she thought I could do?

'No, I've thought about it and Takashi's the only one I want. If you think that'll be too hard, then we should just forget this whole thing. If you can't do it, you can't do it.'

Caitlyn was extremely stubborn and competitive. I knew she wouldn't give up and admit defeat that easy. She never lost at anything, ever.

'No, I can do it. It's just going to be a challenge. I'll need some time to come up with a strategy. We'll still start on your coaching tonight though.'

**** A Few Hours Later ****

When I got home there was absolutely nothing in the fridge or cabinets to eat so I grabbed the chips and fruit out of my backpack that I had saved from lunch.

I got my phone out and texted my Mom.

'Hey on your break could you drive me over to my lab partner's house? We have an assignment due tomorrow and my friends are busy and can't take me.'

'No, I've got too much shit to do. Just ride your bike.'

'But it's all the way across town. That would take hours.'

'Then I guess you better leave early.'

I let out an exhale and shook my head, feeling angry, but not surprised. I almost never asked anything of her and the few times that I did, she always said no. Heaven forbid she actually be a mother and do something for me for once.

I walked outside and dug my old bike out of the shed in the backyard. My grandpa had bought it for me when I was twelve and it was hot pink with a Barbie on the side of it surrounded by silver hearts and it had bright pink handlebars and pedals. That was bad enough, but the fact that it was so small that my knees hit the handlebars when I pedaled was even worse. I couldn't think of anything more embarrassing than being seen riding that kiddie bike across town at almost eighteen years old, so I put on a big hat and sunglasses, hoping no one would recognize me.

Not that anyone would be paying attention to what I was doing, but the disguise still made me feel better. After pulling up directions to Takashi's house on my phone and seeing that it would take an hour and thirty minutes to get there by bike, I headed out. By the time I got close to his house, I was sweaty, exhausted and out of breath.

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