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In the heart of the verdant Panchaal forest, five majestic horses thundered through the undergrowth, their hooves pounding the soft earth with unwavering determination.

Astride these steeds sat the legendary Kumaras, the Princes of Hastinapur.

As they rode through the forest, the Kumaras laughed and joked among themselves, their voices mingling with the rustling of leaves and the chirping of birds

The eldest son of Madri, Nakul gazed at his aging brother, Bheem. A mischievous twinkle sparkled in his eyes as he uttered, "Uff Bharata Bheem is getting old soon he have to walk around with the help of a stick!".

Nakul possessed a towering stature, a robust physique, a dusky complexion, expansive eyes, and a captivating smile. He was a formidable Atirathi, displaying unparalleled expertise in horseback riding, so much so that raindrops dared not touch him while he was astride a horse.

Additionally, he was a masterful swordsman. A remarkable anecdote that showcased the allure of this young man was when Nakula deliberately smeared mud on his exposed torso as he traversed the streets, aiming to deter women from being drawn to him and trailing him into the forest.

His striking appearance was so irresistible that merely catching a glimpse of him would ensnare the hearts of all women who beheld him.

(A/n - If you don't want to follow the description of Nakul you can visualise him as Nakul cause he played the role of the character beautiful

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(A/n - If you don't want to follow the description of Nakul you can visualise him as Nakul cause he played the role of the character beautiful.)

Bheem, renowned for his immense strength, chuckled . "Oh, my dear Nakul , your wit is as sharp as ever. But fret not, I may be growing older, but my spirit remains unyielding."

His immense presence commanded respect and instilled fear in the hearts of those who dared to cross his path. Standing at an imposing height, Bheem's muscular frame was reminiscent of the mighty teak tree, its branches extending outwards to his bulging biceps and broad shoulders.

With each step he took, the ground quivered beneath his weight, further accentuating his dominance.

But it was not just his physicality that set him apart from others; it was his unwavering determination to seek retribution for any wrongdoing inflicted upon him.

Bheem's brows creased together, forming deep furrows on his forehead, as a perpetual flame of anger burned within his soul.

He harbored a steadfast commitment to justice, vowing to never forget a sin committed against his mother and brothers

He harbored a steadfast commitment to justice, vowing to never forget a sin committed against his mother and brothers

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