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6 years later~

"Oi chipkali aur kitne dere sone ka irada ha tera?[Oh lizard, how many more hours do you intend to sleep in?]" asked an insanely handsome boy to his best friend who is lying down on a cozy bed , spread around like a dead spider.

But his words didn't had an effect on the brown haired girl because she was busy enjoying her precious slumber.

An evil plan clicked on his mind , a sinster smirk appeared on his lips . He quickly left to the attached bathroom of the sleeping sloth to execute his million slippers plan .

The boy exit's the washroom with a bucket full of water. He stood near the bed and positioned the bucket and


"PRIYANSHU.... I'LL KILL YOU!!" shouted the girl who was sleeping before becoming completely drenched.

"NISHA IF YOU KILL ME I'LL HAUNT YOU!!!" shouted Priyanshu mockingly crossing his arms against his chest with a proud smirk .

"Why don't you let me sleep peacefully for once, it's still early in the morning?" questioned Nisha sitting straight up on the bed removing the blanket off her. She faced the devil with irritated look decorated on her face .

" Early in the morning!Well idiot it is 2:00 pm in the afternoon!!" Priyanshu exclaimed looking at the colour drained face of the girl before continuing "I would not be shocked if you confess that you were drunk yesterday night".

With the end of the sentence from the boy a loud smack was heard across the room as Nisha threw her pillow on the face of the culprit boy.

"Stupid !! If you have forgotten let me remind you I never drink alcohol!!" Nisha exclaimed looking at her Bestfriend in fake disgust look .

Priyanshu removing the pillow from his face and throwing it back on the bed , while giggling and spoke "Well that's because I never allow you to drink, remember I care for you".

"Please Priyanshu, stop being all dramatic, now tell me the real reason why you woke me up and ruined my 5 more hours of beauty sleep?" asked Nisha.

"Whatever ! Now can I please go back to sleep?" Nisha asked with a yawn as she lay back on the bed in wet clothes and closed her eyes once again.

'Don't tell me she is going back to sleep in wet clothes!!' Priyanshu thought being shocked.

"No! We have to go to the camping trip tomorrow remember and we have to reach for the destination today?" Priyanshu said while shaking Nisha's shoulder to wake her up.

"Oh right! I totally forgot about it. How many more camps do you intend to drag me to, lizard?" Nisha asked groggily, using her nickname for Priyanshu.

"As many as it takes to make you an adventurous person, my dear Sloth," Priyanshu replied with a grin.

Nisha groaned before getting up to get ready for the camping trip. Priyanshu also left the room to check whether all his required belonging are packed for the trip or not.

She knew that Priyanshu was always up for adventures and he was slowly dragging her out of her comfort zone.

She couldn't help but smile at the thought of all the crazy and fun experiences they had together. Nisha couldn't help but feel grateful for having a best friend like Priyanshu.

She knew that no matter how many more camps he dragged her to, they would always have each other's back and make unforgettable memories.

Little did she know, this camping trip would be one of their most memorable ones yet.

Nisha walked to her cupboard and grabbed a towel and she made her way towards the bathroom .

Nisha exited the washroom after nice bath for 20 mins.

She walked towards her wardrobe and pulled out her attire for the day.

She had decided to wear a knee-length yellow floral dress that she had been saving for a special occasion. She carefully ironed the dress and slipped it on, admiring herself in the mirror.

Next, she tied her long, brown hair into a neat ponytail. She wanted to keep her look simple, so she decided to go for the natural look and skipped makeup. She applied just a tinted lip balm to add a touch of color to her face.

As she stood in front of the mirror, she couldn't help but smile at her reflection. She felt comfortable and confident in her outfit.

However, she still needed something to complete her look. That's when she remembered her new white sneakers that she had recently bought. She quickly put them on and knew they were the perfect finishing touch.

Nisha was ready to conquer the day with her bright, flowery dress and her fresh-faced look. She grabbed her bag and stepped out of her room not before hanging the bedsheet , blanket and pillow covers in the balcony for drying.

As she reached the hall of the house she heard car honking from outside, so she left the house locking it behind.

Nisha saw Priyanshu on the drivers seat with black sunglasses on his eyes tapping the steering wheel with seat belt on.

She made her way towards the car throwing a last glimpse at her house .

Nisha entered the car , and sat on the seat beside the drivers seat putting the seatbelts on and throwing her bag at the back seat.

Soon the car left the premises to the main road.

Nisha still remember the day she lost her sister and soon after Priyanshu also lost his whole family because of those couples.

These kids have been each other backbone in these 6 years. It has been 3 days since Nisha was announced as the legal heir of the Sharma Empire .

Priyanshu never blamed Nisha for his parents dead even though he cried every night for six years for his mother and father.

*20 mins later*

The car was moving on the bridge in silence so Nisha decided to break it by putting on some music.

The journey had been going smoothly until they were caught in a heavy storm. The sky had suddenly turned dark and it seemed as if the entire universe was trying to send some foreboding message.

As they continued their journey, the thunderbolt across the sky followed by heavy droplets of rain seemed to intensify. Nisha, who was usually the brave one, began to feel uneasy. She could feel the tension in the air and the rolling of thunder seemed to echo her inner fears.

Priyanshu, on the other hand, was excited by the sudden change in weather. He kept looking out of the car window, fascinated by the curtain of water that seemed to be falling from the sky.

"Priya baby when will we reach our destination?!" questioned Nisha keeping a straight face looking at droplets sliding on the mirror.

"More 3hrs required., But don't call me Priya baby I hate it!!" Priyanshu pouted .

On the bridge a car was stopped with a man beside the car with umbrella on hand and phone on another on his ears. And two small kids were seated in the car if focused properly.

Nisha and Priyanshu' s eyes widened when a truck was heading towards the car in full speed .

"Hum jo soch rahe hai kya tum bhi vahi soch rahe ho ?[Are you thinking the same thing as I am ?]" Nisha asked as a small year escaped her eye.

Priyanshu nodded and said" Hum bhout ji liye hain na ?[We are have lived our life, aren't we?"].

And saying that the car of the two Bestfriend's collided with the truck making the truck flip on the bridge and the car fell of the bridge into the deep water body.

"The game is on " Krishna ji said with a charming smile on his face.

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