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The beautiful dense evergreen forest was a peaceful sanctuary for all the creatures that called it home. The tall, majestic trees reached towards the sky, their branches intertwining to create a thick canopy that filtered the sunlight and created a serene and tranquil atmosphere.

The forest was home to a diverse range of animals, from tiny insects to mighty bears. Birds flew freely above, their melodies filling the air, while rabbits and deer roamed the forest floor, munching on the lush green vegetation. The forest was a harmonious community, with each species coexisting and depending on one another for survival.

A beautiful girl with addicting features was in deep sleep on the branch of the biggest and fattest tree of the forest .

She was surrounded by many beautiful birds who sat across the branches of the tree staring or adoring her enchanting beauty with big doe eyes without blinking.

Her skin seemed to glow under the influence of warm rays of the sun, making her look like a living goddess. 

Her lips were the color of a brilliant red rose, plump and soft like a feather. They were shaped into a perfect heart, making it impossible for anyone not to be captivated by her smile.

But what captured everyone's attention the most was her button nose. It was the cutest feature of her face, making her look innocent and endearing.

Her long, shiny hair, reaching down to her waist, was expertly braided and adorned with fresh white flowers, filling the air with a sweet fragrance.

Despite her petite 5'3 stature, she commanded attention with her alluring beauty and commanding presence.

But it wasn't just her physical appearance that drew people in, it was her intelligence that left them spellbound.

It was a commonly-held belief that beauty and brains rarely coexisted. It was either one or the other. But in her case, she seemed to be blessed with both.

She was exceptionally smart, with a quick wit and a sharp mind. She could hold her own in any conversation and was always the one to come up with the most creative solutions.

She wore a beautiful bright light weighted yellow lehenga with normal embroidery on it , the dupatta of that lengha was wrapped exactly like the paloo of a saree.  , She looked so graceful and beautiful even in normal wear that can also put the nymph's of heaven into shame .

Blessed by her enchanting and alluring beauty one of the bird from the group of birds chirped loudly making the sleeping beauty awake as the other birds glared at the culprit bird who looked nervous under the glares of his fellow friends.

"Ah ......" The girl groaned slightly holding her forehead with one hand and the branch with other as she sat straight on the tree branch.

She tried to adjust to the sudden light entering her eyes as she opened them.

Her light brown eyes, resembling warm honey, sparkled with intelligence and curiosity. They were a perfect match for her sharp doe-like eyes, giving her a mysterious aura.

Now when she regained her sense she took the notice of her surrounding making her question"Where am I ?".

But she remembered that accident making her sweat drop "Am I at a hospital , Uff Nisha how stupid are you does hospital look like this , if I'm not at the hospital then am I at heaven?"

" Whatever it is I'll figure it out later!!" said Nisha in bored tone.

Nisha gaze fell down to make her realise she is on a tall tree "Agar yaha se giri toh free ticket to swarg paka hai!![If I  fall from here then ticket to heaven is free!!]."

" Wait a min ..... Which pervert goat changed my dress?"she questioned looking at the attire she is wearing at the moment.

Now Nisha is hell confused at the situation.

"Ab jo hoga dekha jayega phele ise pedh se utarna padega![ Now whatever will happen remains to be seen, first I will have to climb down this tree."

'But how did I climbed this tree at first place..........Ah this situation is really confusing ' Nisha cried mentally.

"Cover your face"

Don't know what went through Nisha as she abided the words spoken by the unknown in her head , she covered her face with the duppata of her lengha.

Don't know what went through Nisha as she abided the words spoken by the unknown in her head , she covered her face with the duppata of her lengha

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And started to climb down the tree slowly and carefully as she has no experience in climbing on and off a tree .

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