You Faint In Front Of Him While On Tour

Start from the beginning

"Alright, time to go." Liam ordered everyone half an hour later. "Everyone ready?"

I was just finishing up with my mascara when the tour bus door was opened and the screaming was significantly up a few octaves. My stomach churned and I set my makeup down, fiddling with my fingers as I walked up to Harry. He slipped his arm around my waist and kissed my temple. "You'll be okay."

"I know." I muttered, though I didn't. Leaning my head on his shoulder, I gripped his hand tightly, feeling his thumb run along my skin soothingly.

"Y/N?" Liam frowned. "You look really pale, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I lied, gulping slowly. My head was spinning and I felt lightheaded. I didn't say anything though. No need to worry Harry for no reason.

Louis stepped out of the tour bus first, more security gathered to assist us but I was still nervous as hell. I tightened my hold on Harry's hand and he winced.

"Calm down Y/N." He kissed me quickly as Liam left with Sophia. The screams grew impossibly loud and I flinched, biting my bottom lip.

After my first experience pushing through the fans, I didn't want to do it ever again.

I stepped out of the bus with Harry, closing my eyes momentarily. The crowd shrieked as they saw him, clawing their way passed security to touch the boys. My breath hitched and I forced my legs to follow Harry to the vast crowd of screaming girls.

He was still holding my hand and it was obvious they didn't like it. I felt the flash of cameras blind me and I looked at the ground, attempting to hide my face. I knew we'd reached the girls when nails scratched at my skin. Harry held me close, one hand holding the back of my neck as if he was trying to prevent anyone from pulling my hair. Our heads were close together as we pushed through the fans, security shouting over their yells to tell them to move back. Paul appeared beside me, setting his hand on my arm to basically drag me while protecting me.

I gritted my teeth as someone dug their nails into my skin. Yanking my arm away, I swore softly as I rubbed the sore spot.

"You okay?" Harry whispered in my ear.

"Fine, you?" I grumbled.

"I, uh, I think I lost some hair but otherwise I'm okay."

I nearly laughed at him, thankfully exiting the crowd and running into the building. Apart from the sharp pain in my arm where a fan had scratched me, I was okay. It wasn't as bad as I had expected, but my head was spinning and I felt like I was going to be sick.

"Harry." I mumbled, holding onto his arm.

"Jesus, Y/N, your arm is all red and scratched. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Harry." I repeated, but he wasn't listening.

"I'll get someone to fix that up, it's nearly bleeding."

"I'm going to -" Before I could warn him that I was about to faint, the entire room started spinning and I gagged, about to puke when my knees buckled everything when black.


I jumped as I felt Y/N sag against me. "Y/N, what -?" I turned around and gasped as her eyes shut and she collapsed into my arms.

My heartbeat sped up and I swept her up into my arms, panicking as I ran through the corridor into the dressing rooms where the boys had already gone.

"What happened?" Liam gaped as I settled my unconscious girlfriend onto the sofa.

"She just collapsed!" I breathed. "Right after we got in, she was talking to me and she just... fainted. Call an ambulance!" I started slapping her cheeks lightly to wake her up as Liam dialled 999. "C'mon, baby, wake up." I whispered, kissing all over her face.

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