A murderer was born

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When May was five years old she came out of school screaming, crying and about to pass out from the effort. Her teacher was behind her and she explained to her parents that her daughter May refused to do her homework.

You didn't tell me how to do it- shouted May as she ran away.

She was different from other kids. While they enjoyed playing in the dirt, May was learning how to read. She enjoyed talking with the teachers better than with her classmates. 

She was what we could call "weird".

Growing up she had a difficult time. Constantly changing schools because she had trouble talking with kids, as they didn't like her. The kids are mean, when something is different they reject it. So that's what happened to her. She was bullied a lot.

At her second school she met a girl called  Marie, she was kind and a really nice girl. After some time being friends they discovered that their parents were cousins so they were related.

Time passed and they became best friends until one day, Marie showed her true self.

She had been telling everyone in the school that she was with May only because they were family. She said she hated her and to make everyone believe her, she started to say really mean things about her.

May found out and had changed schools again.

She needed to go somewhere where she wasn't known as the weirdo with no friends.

Now she was a quiet girl. She never spoke in class. She had really good grades and her classmates knew, so they faked being friends so they could pass their exams.

She gets to high school finally. Her parents had told her that high school was the best place to make friends.

At this point she was starting to grow some feelings of despite about people but she wanted so hard to have someone and go on adventures with them. Just like in the movies May liked.

She always watched them with so much hope wanting to form a group of friends and build a secret house for them to play .

She lived in a fantasy. And she was about to find that out.

May found her old friend Marie to be in the same class as her. And she fall in the trap again. She became friends with her. She followed Marie around like a dog just waiting to get some orders to make their human happy.

As everyone expected Marie was a mean bitch. And made May fall into a big depression.

After she started going to  psychology her old sister Halley experienced something similar and had to quit school. She cried every night, whenever she closed her eyes her maths teacher appeared in her mind. God she messed her up.

May loved maths but at that time she started to develop a serious hate for maths.

She loved her sister, that girl was struggling. She felt so useless because she couldn't do anything about it. She hated to see how her always happy sister became a depressed thing that only wanted to sleep and cry. 

There was one night Halley started shaking so bad, her parents thought she was having an epileptic attack. They rushed to the hospital and May was left alone at home, without knowing if the most important person of her life was going to make it out alive. She couldn't sleep, her night consisted in rolling in bed. Her parents from the hospital called her aunt so May wouldn't be alone. First thing this girl did was asking for the wi-fi password and then she didn't talk for the entire night.

5 a.m, the door opens, May wakes up and runs to the entrance. She is hoping to see her sister but instead, she finds his dad. He made the aunt leave. May asked about her sister, he said they were just going to keep her on observation for the night. He didn't look really sure of it but May decide to let him sleep.

Halley came back home in the morning. She had a panic attack. That was the first clue that told me this wouldn't end up being okay.

Halley even stopped eating, May knew about this, her parents however didn't have a clue about it. May wanted to tell them but she wasn't able. She thought she was no one to tell if someone had an eating disorder or not.

She even asked once, Halley said that she was sick and wasn't able to eat. May belived her since she heard her throwing up every night that week.

She felt so guilty when one night, while May was supposed to be asleep, Halley told their parents about how she was not eating.

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